施文彬Shih, Wen-Pin臺灣大學:機械工程學研究所陳映綸Chen, In-LunIn-LunChen2010-06-302018-06-282010-06-302018-06-282009U0001-2001200913270200http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/187267本文提出一種新穎的觀念來製造可撓式平板型熱管,並且提出兩種製程方法製作。可撓式平板型熱管是以一種高分子聚二甲基矽氧烷(PDMS)為基材,利用其本身優秀的可撓機械性質,提供熱管整段都能被重複彎曲不變形。兩種製程方法都是以矽晶圓(silicon wafer)為母模,在母模上先做出預先設計好相對應的微結構,再以PDMS來翻模。在做好的模子內填入適量的工作流體(working fluid)即為可撓式平板型熱管,其中的微結構即為毛細結構,工作流體因為毛細力的作用會沿著微結構做熱循環方向。可撓式平板型熱管的機械性質,微流道裡的工作流體變化情形已經量測。This paper presents a novel concept of fabricating flexible flat plate heat pipe and proposes two fabrication processes. PDMS is used as the substrate of flexible flat plate heat pipe. The flexible flat plate heat pipe can be arbitrary bent in repetition without causing permanent damages due to excellent mechanical properties of PDMS. The silicon wafer is used as the mold with conjugated micro-structures. Then, the PDMS fluid was cast on the silicon mold to form the substrate of the flexible flat plate heat pipe. The flexible flat plate was completed after filling of adequate working fluid inside. The micro-structure in the heat pipe is used as the wick structure, and the working fluid flows by capillary force along the wick structure in heat circulation. The mechanical properties and the variations of the working fluid inside the flexible flat plate heat pipe have been measured.口試委員會審定書 i 謝 ii要 iiibstract ivist of Figures viiist of Tables xhapter 1 Introduction 1hapter 2 Principle of heat pipe 11hapter 3 Materials 13hapter 4 Meniscus wick structure 15-1 Introduction 15-2 Fabrication 16-2-1 Heat pipe Configuration 16-2-2 Mold Fabrication 17-2-3 Heat pipe Fabrication 20-3 Experimental procedure 21-4 Discussions 23-5 Conclusions 24hapter 5 Trapezoid wick structure 25-1 Introduction 25-2 Fabrication 26-2-1 Heat pipe configuration 26-2-2 Fabrication preparation 28-2-3 Heat pipe fabrication 30-3 Experimental procedure 31-4 Result 34-4-1 Discussion – radius of curvature R 36-4-2 Discussion – capillary pressure difference 39-5 Conclusion 42hapter 6 Triangular wick structure 43-1 Introduction 43-2 Fabrication 44-2-1 Heat pipe configuration 44-2-2 Process preparation 46-2-3 Heat pipe fabrication 47-3 Experiment procedure 49-4 Result 54-4-1 Discussion – radius of curvature R 57-4-2 Discussion – capillary pressure difference 59-5 Conclusion 62hapter 7 Future work 63eference 64ppendix 692961622 bytesapplication/pdfen-US可撓式平板型熱管毛細結構工作流體毛細力熱循環Flexible flat plate heat pipewick structureworking fluidcapillary forceheat circulation流體在微毛細結構內之探討The study of shear flow in micro wick structuresthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/187267/1/ntu-98-R95522522-1.pdf