內科CHUANG, LEE-MINGLEE-MINGCHUANG2008-12-292018-07-112008-12-292018-07-112003http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/95235Objective: We investigated the impact of the 127L polymorphism of the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha gene on measured and estimated beta cell indices. We also examined the conservation of this amino acid among different species. Design and methods: Estimated first and second phase insulin responses (1stPH(S) and 2ndPH(S)) were estimated from oral glucose tolerance tests in 78 glucose tolerant subjects. Among these subjects, first and second phase insulin responses (1stIR and 2ndIR) were measured in 60 subjects. The 127L genotypes were determined from genomic DNA. We also reviewed the published peptide sequence data on this polymorphism. Results: The estimated beta cell indices correlated well with the measured indices. Although the impact of this polymorphism was noted in the measured indices (P < 0.01 for 1stIR and P = 0.04 for 2ndIR) from 60 subjects, the differences in the estimated indices were only noted in the extended sample set with 78 subjects (P = 0.05 for 1stPH(S) and P = 0.04 for 2ndPH(S)). This polymorphism occurs in the dimerization domain, which is completely conserved within human, rat, mouse and hamster. This amino acid is also conserved in chicken and zebrafish, but not in the frog. This conservation suggests a possible biological importance of this amino acid . Conclusions: By increasing the sample size, we demonstrated the role of the 127L polymorphism in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes by using estimated beta cell indices. The conservation among species suggests a possible biological importance of this amino acid. Analysis of the published data confirms a modest role of this polymorphism in type 2 diabetes.en-USHOMEOSTASIS MODEL ASSESSMENTDEPENDENT DIABETES-MELLITUSINSULIN-SECRETION DEFECTLATE-ONSET NIDDMFACTOR-1-ALPHA GENECHROMOSOME 12Q[SDGs]SDG3Comparison of the Impact of the 127l Polymorphism of the Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor-1alpha on Estimated and Measured Beta Cell Indicesjournal article