2005-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/704691摘要:網際網路集電信與媒介等傳播科技特質於一身,使得近用網路成為人民參與社會運作的關鍵,因此,如何確保人民在數位時代的近用權乃成為傳播政策上一大重要議題。本研究以此新議題為主題,旨在了解數位時代的近用權政策及法令,以傳統近用媒介權及電信普及服務兩項重要原則為出發點,檢討此二原則的理論基礎與適用範圍,並進一步探討此二原則在數位匯流時代下所面臨的挑戰與轉變。同時本研究亦將分析當前台灣的近用權相關規範,並比較主要國家及國際社會對於數位時代近用權的政策趨勢,研究對象包括美國、英國、歐盟及聯合國。除以文獻調查法蒐集資料外,本研究亦將透過專家訪談法得到對於數位時代近用權政策之各方意見。透過理論變遷的探討、實際政策的比較、專家意見的蒐集以及政策制定之觀察,本研究期對台灣的近用權法令政策提出適切建議。<br> Abstract: Access to the Internet has become the key for people to participate in the civil society due to the Internet’s importance of combining functions of telecommunications and media. Therefore, it becomes a critical policy issue to ensure people’s right of access in the digital age. This research aims to contribute to this new issue by a thorough examination on policy and regulations regarding the right of access. Grounded on the two policy principles, access to media and universal service, this research will review their theoretical foundations and applicable spheres and further observe what challenges these principles receive under the condition of technological convergence. This research will also analyze relative regulations in Taiwan and compare them with those in main countries such as the US and the UK and international organizations such as the European Union and the United Nations. Besides literature review, this research will conduct expert interview and participative observation to get opinion on this issue. Through the analysis of theoretical transformation, the comparison of international regulations, and the collection of expert opinions, this research expect to give legal suggestions on the right of access in Taiwan.近用媒介近用權普及服務傳播政策access to mediacommunication policyright of accessuniversal service從近用媒介到近用網路:數位時代的近用權政策研究