管理學院: 財務金融組指導教授: 邱顯比萬麗雯Wan, Li-Wen VickyLi-Wen VickyWan2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274104數位化及行動手機的普及,不只帶給大眾快捷便利的服務,進而改變客戶使用習慣,也激發出許多新形態的企業經營模式及估值大於十億美元的金融創新獨角獸。這趨勢使得過去百年裡安於賺大錢與大客戶往來的金融業開始有點坐立不安。台灣的金融業近日在金管會Bank 3.0的法規開放後,也開始積極行動起來。本文主要探討台灣銀行業應如何順應潮流,發展金融數位化,商品服務設計及新形態的作業風險的重點為何。 本文一開始先以文獻解釋電子銀行及網路銀行的發展、Bank 3.0、銀行作業風險、台灣相關金融政策、SWOT(Strength、Weakness、Opportunity、Threat)、及台灣銀行業的監理。再運用SWOT分析業者若要發展目前國外熱門數位化金融商品的優勝劣勢為何,曾發生過的弊案帶來的啟示又是什麼。最後綜合上述分析及與台灣外商銀行業者的訪談結果,對業者提出建議。 作者建議,台灣業者於發展新數位時代策略及服務之際,應該要先思考核心價值及定位,再以客戶角度出發,順應趨勢,善用科技,最終創造出更優質的商品及服務平台。此時需避免陷入技術或系統層面的討論,被科技或數位化牽著走。金融業為服務業,客戶對人性化及專業化諮詢,和維護客戶資料及財產安全的需求,不會因為數位化的出現而消失,因此銀行業仍有存有很大優勢。但隨之而來的新挑戰是,客戶將會對電腦交易的正確性、正當性、即時性、穩定性與安全性要求變得更高。同時,銀行對災害應急計畫或系統異地備援、國內法令遵循、國際慣例如Basel及反洗錢的管理標準也需提高。The population of digitalization and cell phones not only brings new product features to the public but also changes the way that customers reach financial service. It inspires many new business models and financial technology (so called FinTech) in particular some unicorns with value over USD 1 billion in many countries. The trend makes the traditional banking industry very uneasy as banks have made big money by doing business mainly with big clients and big transactions in the pass hundred years. In 2015, some deregulations have been launched in Taiwan so local financial industry finally starts to move on forwards. The thesis mainly discusses how Taiwan banking industry to cope with the changes by developing digital service and managing the operational risks properly. In the beginning, the thesis explains the electronic banking, online banking, Bank 3.0, banking operational risks, related locally financial policies, SWOT, and local banking regulatory guidelines respectively. Secondly, it analyzes and identifies the strengths, weakness, opportunity and treat for some popular foreign digital financial products which if possible, will be utilized locally. Moreover, what does the malpractice during digitalization enlighten us? Finally, based on the analysis above and the interview results with 2 major foreign banks in Taiwan, the thesis reaches recommendations for Taiwan local banks. The author suggests that banks should reconsider core value and market positioning in order to develop new proper strategies and services, then the banks make the best usage of technology to create more value added products and services in particular from customer perspective. Though more automation is expected, it''s important not to be involved into detailed discussions of new system development in early stage so to avoid quick conclusions. Given the banking industry represents a service industry involving lots of financial expertise, customized planning / solutions, and information / property security, the banks are still very competitive than the other FinTech in Bank 3.0. However, they''re more risky as the tolerance level for transaction error, late or unlawful deals, and system breakdown are diminishing. Furthermore, any breach of global market practices or rules e.g. Basel, AML (anti-money laundry) or FATCA might end up with huge penalty to banks.1812946 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/3論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)銀行業金融數位化Bank 3.0網路新創科技SWOT作業風險管理BankingDigital FinanceFinTechBank Operational Risks從國外經驗看台灣銀行業未來數位化商品發展及相關作業風險控管How Taiwan’s Banking Industry Develops the New Products and Control the Operational Risks in Bank 3.0 – lesson from the Global Marketsthesis10.6342/NTU201601101http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274104/1/ntu-105-P02745030-1.pdf