生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 雷立芬; 顏建賢張清智Chang, Ching-ChihChing-ChihChang2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2760312000年我國開始實行每日工作八小時,每週應休假兩日,因此帶動台灣社會假日休閒渡假的風氣。近年來又因為青年農民的返鄉,把新的知識科技,應用在農業管理與行銷,漸漸可以看到特色農產品或是休閒農場透過新的資訊網路來做推廣行銷。本研究以市面上既有具行銷功能的行動應用程式(Apps),做實用功能比較與服務品質缺口之檢討分析,再重新規劃整合出一款新的行銷應用程式。本研究針對重新開發整合功能Apps,透過消費者的觀點測試評論,並以深入訪談模式,以期持續改善該Apps而能為我國休閒農業之業者提供有效之行銷工具。In the year 2000, Taiwan began to implement should work eight hours each day and have two days off every week, Thus promoting the common practice in Taiwanese society of relaxing on holidays. Young farmers have returned to their hometowns in recent years, and have applied new knowledge and technology to agricultural management and marketing. Thus, people are seeing more promotion and marketing of agricultural products and leisure farm through information networks. This study selected existing mobile marketing applications, analyzed their functions and service quality gap, and reworked and integrated a new marketing application that consumers can rely on for their needs in daily life. Aiming at redeveloping the application with integrated functions, this study presented an improvement plan for the mobile application by studying preferences, tests, and comments from consumers; the collection of ideas and opinions of leisure farm owners via in-depth interviews; and the analysis and comparison of the owners’ marketing experiences, obstacles,and expectations for their leisure farm.7601130 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)休閒農業服務缺口行動應用程式行動行銷深入訪談leisure farmservice gapmobile applicationmobile marketingin-depth interview[SDGs]SDG2以行動應用程式行銷休閒農場之研究A Study on Application of Apps to Promote Leisure Farmsthesis10.6342/NTU201601812http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276031/1/ntu-105-P03627020-1.pdf