社會科學院: 新聞研究所指導教授: 林麗雲陳尹柔Chen, Yin-JouYin-JouChen2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275066本研究透過行動者建構鄭南榕文化記憶的過程,探討不同的時空背景與文化、政治因素中,如何詮釋鄭南榕的文化記憶,行動者分為經歷鄭南榕殉道事件的「舊世代」與未經歷事件的「新世代」。 以Fairclough的批判論述分析為研究方法,檢視舊世代透過何種社會實踐將鄭南榕建構為「民主鬥士」,再透過溝通記憶將建構之文化記憶轉移至新世代,而新世代又如何從舊世代所框架的文化脈絡中延續記憶並加入新世代的詮釋,傳承鄭南榕文化記憶之建構。 研究結果顯示,以實務觀點來看,本研究透過檢視行動者建構鄭南榕文化記憶的過程,可看出舊時代行動者已成功將鄭南榕塑造為「為台灣獨立而死」的「民主鬥士」,從2012年反媒體壟斷、2013年以南榕廣場爭議事件和2014年的太陽花學運,已不見新世代對於鄭南榕自焚原因的爭論,鄭南榕本身成為符號,被新世代行動者用以象徵「追求言論自由」的「民主先驅」。新世代行動者加入時代脈絡中的政治因素,包含世代的國族認同與外部的中國因素,省略強調「獨立」,以「為台灣而死」稱鄭南榕,也將台灣的民主的前進、打破省籍對立的意識形態及走入政黨輪替的民主政治歸功於鄭南榕殉難後埋下的種子,新世代行動者自詡為繼承者,以「接下來就是我們的事了」宣示效法鄭南榕為公平正義而發起的社會改革,並且延續捍衛台灣自由民主之精神。The study mainly aims to explore ‘actors‘ to understand Cheng Nan-Jung’s process of cultural memory building, and to examine his cultural memory with respect to different time periods in Taiwanese culture and politics. The actors are divided into two groups: the ‘old generation’ who have witnessed Cheng Nan-Jung’s martyrdom first hand and noted his great contribution to Taiwan’s history and democratic ideals, and the ‘new generation’ who remain unaware of the events that took place during that era. The research method of this theis is critical discourse analysis developed by Fairclough. In order to continue building upon Cheng Nan-Jung’s cultural memory we must look to the social practices of the older generation, whom regarded Cheng Nan-Jung as a hero who fought for democracy. Furthermore, these cultural memory must also be passed down to the current generation in order to keep Cheng Nan-Jung’s legacy alive. The new generation must then merge the cultural contexts of past and present and distill them into a contemporary narrative for today''s generation. The results reveal that the old generation actors successfully construct Cheng Nan-jung as a democracy pioneer who die for Taiwan independence. from 2012 anti-media monopoly movement, 2013 Nan-jung square controversy, 2014 sunflower movement, it shows that because of national identity and the China factor. Cheng Nan-jung became a symbol of democracy for new generation actors.6475568 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2026/4/6論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)鄭南榕文化記憶文化創傷世代研究批判論述分析Cheng Nan-JungCutral MemoryCultral traumaGenerationCritical Discourse Analysis[SDGs]SDG16鄭南榕的文化記憶與媒體建構Cultural Memory of Cheng Nan-Jung and Media Constructionthesis10.6342/NTU201600181http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275066/1/ntu-105-R02342020-1.pdf