國立臺灣大學歷史學系特聘教授; 中央研究院中國文哲研究所合聘研究員Distinguished Professor, Department of History, National Taiwan University; Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica黃俊傑2017-09-112018-05-292017-09-112018-05-292009-06http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282987本文探討作為「區域史」(regional history)的東亞文化交流史研究之方法論與問題意識,並建議若干研究主題。本文共分五節,第一節主張介於二十世紀以降的「國別史」(national history)與二十一世紀廣受注意的、新興的「全球史」(global history)之間的「區域史」研究,是一個值得研究的新領域。第二節提出一種有關「區域史」研究的新視野,主張我們可以將過去聚焦於文化交流活動之「結果」的研究,轉向聚焦於文化交流活動的「過程」的研究,從而進行某種東亞文化交流史研究的「典範轉移」。第三節則提出「東亞文化交流史」研究的兩項新問題意識:(1)東亞文化交流史中「自我」與「他者」的互動;(2)東亞文化交流與權力結構的互動。第四節提出三個研究主題:(1)人物的交流:「媒介人物」及其對「他者」的觀察;(2)物品(尤其是書籍)的交流;(3)思想的交流。本文結論提出:隨著亞洲(尤其是東亞)在二十一世紀的興起,以及「全球化」的加速發展,東亞人文社會科學界開始從二十世紀「國家中心主義」的研究格局,逐漸轉而以東亞為研究的視野。作為「區域史」的東亞文化交流史研究,正是回歸並重訪亞洲文化傳統的重要工作!This article incorporates the history of East Asian cultural interactions into the field of "regional history," and proposes certain subjects to be explored. The article consists of five sections. Section 1 aims to draw attention to "regional history," an emerging discipline different from "national history"-which occupied great academic interest in the 20th century-and "global history"-a speedily heating issue in the 21st century. Section 2 suggests a new way of study in "regional history": to shift our focus from the "result" of cultural interactions to the "process", thus making a "paradigm shift" as well in the study of history of East Asian cultural interactions. Section 3 raises two problematiques in the proposed field of "regional history": the mutual influence between "self" and "other," and that between "culture" and "power structure." Section 4 proposes three types of "interaction" for further research: (1) interaction of personage (between "professional intermediate agents" and "others"); (2) interaction of articles (especially books); (3) interaction of thoughts. The last section concludes that, with the rise of East Asian countries on the world stage in the 21st century, the state-centrist style of historical study shall be re-directed to a broader East Asian perspective. By redefining the "history of East Asian cultural interactions" as "regional history," we will be able to make crucial revisits to and reflection upon our traditional cultures.899179 bytesapplication/pdf區域史東亞文化交流史國別史全球史自我他者媒介人物Regional historyEast Asiahistory of cultural interactionNational historyglobal historyselfothersprofessional intermediate agent作為區域史的東亞文化交流史──問題意識與研究主題Some Notes on the Study of the History of Cultural Interactions in East Asiajournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282987/1/0043_200906_5.pdf