翁儷禎2006-07-252018-06-282006-07-252018-06-282000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/9671本研究探討評定量尺標示語與點數對受試者反應的影響。量表標示語的建構包含五種型式:兩端型、兩端加中間型、等距型、 正向型與負向型;點數則包括三點至九點等七種情境,共計發展二十九種量表型式。結果發現,量表標示語對受試者反應的影響主要來自正向型與負向型之操弄,量表平均數、標準差與內部一致性信度受影響,且其效果隨量表內容或者受試者量表反應之異質性而異,受試者反應較具同質性的量表對標示語的改變可能較敏感。量表點數對內部一致性信度的影響亦隨量表內容而異,此亦可能與量表變異量有關。此研究結果顯示,評定量尺的標示語 與點數可能影響受試者反應,研究者建構評定量表時,宜考慮受試者在該量表可能的反應異質程度,而選擇適用之量表型式。The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of anchor labels and number of response categories on participant responses on Chinese rating scales and the psychometric properties of the scales. Five types of rating scales with different formats of labels were constructed. Number of response categories varied from there to nine. A total of 29 different types of rating scales have been developed. The results indicated that the effects of anchor labels mainly came from the differences between participant responses on the positive and the negative scales. Scale means, scale standard deviations, and internal consistency reliability coefficients have been affected. The magnitude of the effects depended on the content of the scale or the heterogeneity of participant responses on the scale. The scales with homogeneous participant responses may be more sensitive to the changes of anchor labels than those with heterogeneous participant responses. The effects of the number of response categories on internal consistency reliability also depended on content of the scales or the degree of heterogeneity of participant responses on the scales. The results of the present investigation suggested that anchor labels and number of categories of a rating scale may influence participant responses and psychometric properties of the scale. Researchers better consider the heterogeneity of participant responses on the scale and select appropriate scale format.application/pdf54761 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學心理學系暨研究所評定量尺李克特式量尺量尺標示語量尺點數內部一致性信度rating scalesLikert-type scalesanchor labelsnumber of response categoriesinternal consistency reliability點數與標示語對評定量尺反應的影響(II)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/9671/1/892413H002012.pdf