工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 郭斯傑蔡秀芬Tsai, Hsiu-FenHsiu-FenTsai2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278023台中ALA夜店火災發生時,火花引燃牆壁及天花板之隔音泡棉導致火勢迅速擴散及大量濃煙肇致重大人員傷亡,為了避免類似的情況再度發生,本研究材料篩選較具代表性的四種隔音泡棉,包含一般泡棉、PU泡棉、美耐皿白色泡棉及 CR 25度橡膠類泡棉,利用熱重分析儀 (Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer, TGA)、紅外線光譜儀 (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, FTIR)、掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Scanning Electron Microscope , SEM)、能量線譜 (Energy Dispersive Spectrometer, EDS)、微差掃描熱卡計 (Differential Scanning Calormetry, DSC) 等儀器對四種泡棉進行材料分析,探討其熱重損失、泡棉組成之分子構造、化學成分分析及材料燃燒之能量變化等熱力學、熱反應及相關材料性質; 再以台灣台中阿拉夜店火災為案例,蒐集火災現場調查資料和官方的火災鑑定報告等資料,針對室內裝修隔音泡棉材料,利用熱分析實驗儀器,獲得隔音泡棉受熱燃燒後之各項熱反應参數,並以美國國家標準局(National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST)所開發之火災動態模擬器 (Fire Dynamics Simulator, FDS) 與Smokeview後處裡工作,建構台中市阿拉夜店火災案例模型,重建火災情境,並詳細探討有關火災危害因子溫度、氧氣、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、能見度及煙層高度等之變化情形探討,對人員避難逃生之影響,以了解造成人員重大傷亡之主因,並提供未來類似場所消防安全工程改善方針與對策。模擬結果顯示出隔音泡棉燃燒後會產生大量之濃煙,嚴重阻礙人員避難逃生之視線,在整個避難路徑上,煙毒危害程度大於熱危害程度,故導致避難人員多為吸入性嗆傷,也是致命之原因,亦符合本案例官方鑑定報告書判定結果,故做好事前的防範,應將火災可能產生的災害降至最低。In the fire case of Taichung ALA pub, fire spread to the soundproof foam on walls and ceiling and then it escalated. Heavy smoke filled the house, which caused heavy casualties. In order to avoid similar situations, four typical soundproof foams, namely ordinary foam, PU foam, melamine white foam and CR25 rubber foam, were selected in this study. Four instruments, namely Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer, Scanning Electron Microscope, Energy Dispersive Spectrometer, Differential Scanning Calormetry, were used to analyze these four foams. The thermodynamic and thermoreactive properties such as thermal weight loss, composition molecular structure, chemical constituent analysis and the energy change during burning were investigated. The Taichung ALA pub case was used as an example. Fire investigation results and official appraisal report were collected. The thermal reaction parameters for the indoor decoration soundproof foams were obtained using thermal analysis experiment instruments. The Fire Dynamics Simulator developed by National Institute of Standards and Technology was then used to rebuild the model of ALA pub fire case. The changes of the dangerous factors such as temperature, oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, visibility, and smoke layer height, were investigated. The effect of the dangerous factors on escape of people from fire was also studied to understand the major causes for heavy casualties. In addition, the fire engineering improvement and measures for similar situations were proposed. The simulation results show that soundproof foam will belch out heavy smoke as it is burned. The smoke reduced the visibility severely and blocked the way of escaping. The smoke is more life-threatening than heat. No wonder most persons escaping from fire suffered from smoke inhalation, which is also the major life-threatening cause. The result of this study matches that in the official fire appraisal report.論文使用權限: 不同意授權隔音泡棉材料熱分析試驗火災動態模擬器火災危害因子Soundproof foamthermal analysis experimentFire Dynamics Simulatorfire hazard factors以隔音泡棉熱分析實驗及FDS模擬軟體 建構火災案例情境Building the scene of a fire case through soundproof foam analysis experiment and FDS simulation softwarethesis