管理學院: 企業管理碩士專班指導教授: 黃俊堯簡璦Chien, AiAiChien2017-03-022018-06-292017-03-022018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272682縱觀世界經濟的發展,從產品經濟時代發展至商品經濟階段,再進階至服務經濟階段。其中體驗經濟的概念再從服務經濟分離出來,獨立成全新的經濟階段。 “自我體驗”為服務經濟及體驗經濟間最大的差異。服務經濟中,供應者決定商品與客戶的價值。透過體驗經濟的轉化,決定商品及服務的價值已逐漸移轉至消費者方。體驗經濟無所不在,自1999年美國學者B. Joseph Pine II 及James H. Gilmore發表了體驗經濟的論點,此經濟概念便不斷的從商業模式中印證。在服務至上的時代,服務經濟的商業模式已難以滿足客戶的需求及要點。本論文將說明誘發當事人自己設立標準何為體驗經濟的核心價值,為何需要這個體驗經濟的核心價值。 為了說明這個極新的體驗經濟商業模式,將以抗老化醫療服務作為探討主題,並以實務操作個案作為說明,進而研究抗老化醫療服務如何以體驗經濟模式之經營達到優越之效益。The world economy transformed from agrarian economy to the industrial economy, and to most recent, service economy. Experience economy is described to be the next economy that follows, and is projected to be the brand new era in the world’s economy. The “consumer experience” is the biggest differentiation between service economy and experience economy. In service economy, the value of the products and customers are decided upon the provider. Through the transformation in experience economy, the determination of the value of products and services has transform to the hands of customers. The concept of experience economy has been proven over and over again ever since American scholars B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore published their article in 1999. In the time where customer service is consider the priority in most business, the business model in service economy can no longer satisfy customers’ needs and expectations. This thesis wish to explain why having customers to set their own expectation is the core value in experience economy, and how important it is to have the customers to set their own expectation. To further prove this concept from experience economy, this thesis will be using an experience-economy-based anti-aging medicine service as a case study. To use an existence practice to demonstrate how anti-aging medicine service could benefit and excel from adopting experience economy in their business model.  3798861 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2015/8/11論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)體驗經濟轉化經濟抗老化醫學客戶服務客戶關係Experience EconomyTransformation EconomyAnti-aging Medicine ServiceCustomer ServiceCustomer Relationship體驗經濟於醫療服務推動之探討:以體驗經濟為底之抗老化醫療服務之商業模式個案研究Analysis of Experience Economy in Health Care Industry: Using An Experience-Economy-Based Anti-Aging Medicine Service Business Model as Case Studythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272682/1/ntu-104-R02749002-1.pdf