法律學院: 法律學研究所指導教授: 許士宦張家茹Chang, Chia-JuChia-JuChang2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273216我國於2000年及2003年經全面修正施行之民事訴訟法,其立法者受我國程序保障論之影響,為致力於平衡兼顧第三人程序保障與統一解決紛爭等要求,於第三人訴訟參與方面,增訂職權通知制度,由法院發動職權,將本訴訟之繫屬通知於與本訴有法律上利害關係之第三人,使其有知悉並參與本訴訟之機會,並受本訴確定判決一定效力之拘束,同時配套增設第三人撤銷訴訟作為第三人事後的程序保障,此項第三人訴訟參與之設計實為我國民訴法所獨有,而為德日民訴法制度所無。職權通知制度既肩負第三人事前的程序保障之要務,有關其立法旨趣、要件、效力以及與第三人撤銷訴訟之配套關係實有必要加以釐清、探究,為此,撰成本文。 本文共計六章。第壹章緒論,提出本文之問題意識,並於第陸章結論,總結研究成果。第貳章先透過德、日民訴法上類似制度之比較,凸顯我國職權通知制度之特色,並自我國程序主體論了解我國職權通知制度之立法旨趣,實係以第三人程序保障作為前提,謀求統一解決紛爭目的之達成。因此職權通知制度係被期待發揮發現真實、促進訴訟目的之達成、兩造當事人及第三人實體、程序利益之維護、並貫徹統一解決該多數人間紛爭,以維護公益層面訴訟經濟、法安定性、避免裁判矛盾等多元機能。上開立法旨趣及制度機能應作為職權通知要件、效力及與第三人撤銷訴訟之配套關係解釋論之前導。 第參章以學說作為主軸,討論通知對象、法院裁量權限、以及通知之方式、時點、內容,並擇取實務案例進行具體分析,以使職權通知之要件更具體化。本章核心為通知對象範圍:所謂「有法律上利害關係之第三人」,可區分為「原受確定判決效力所及者」及「非原受確定判決效力所及者」,前者非均屬職權通知規範對象(如一般繼受人、占有人),且對被擔當人為職權通知之目的,有基於賦予程序保障者,亦有基於充實事證者(如選定人)。於判決具對世效之情形,則需以第三人與本訴之利害密切程度劃定通知之第三人範圍及方法。就非原受確定判決效力所及者,於其利害與本訴訟有統一解決之必要時,法院宜對該第三人為通知。 第肆章著重討論我國修法後,學說上爭議核心──非原受確定判決效力所及之第三人,受通知後是否受本訴確定判決之既判力、爭點效、參加效所及。本文依受通知人是否已實際參加本訴訟,分別探討之。其中,於受通知人已參加訴訟之情形,為訴訟參加效力之討論;於受通知人未參加訴訟之情形,則因職權通知之效力規定(第67條之1第3項)係準用訴訟告知之效力,故有必要從訴訟告知之效力進行探究。過去為我國法所繼受之德、日法制上,德國通說不論在訴訟參加或訴訟告知之效力,至今固然仍採「參加效說」,認為本訴訟之判決僅於參加人與被參加人間(訴訟參加之情形)或受告知人與告知人間(訴訟告知之情形)發生拘束力。惟日本法自大正15年(1926年)修法後,學說上即有訴訟參加效力擴大論之提倡,晚近就訴訟告知之效力亦有諸多討論。本文參酌日本法相關議論後,檢討既判力、爭點效、(向來的)參加效之承認根據,並與職權通知制度立法旨趣相呼應,認為訴訟參加之效力內涵除發生(向來的)參加效外,尚可包含本訴確定判決之既判力、爭點效及於參加人;職權通知之效力則係本訴確定判決之既判力、爭點效及於受通知人,不發生(向來的)參加效。 第伍章著重討論第三人受職權通知與否,如何影響其適用第三人撤銷訴訟及再審制度,並與日本第三人再審制度之討論提案進行比較。關於職權通知與第三人撤銷訴訟之關係:原受確定判決效力所及之第三人,受通知與否並非其得否提起第三人撤銷訴訟之決定性因素,職權通知之踐行僅係判斷其所受程序保障是否完足之一要素;非原受確定判決效力所及之第三人,受通知後,若有程序權受抑制之情形,不受確定判決效力所及,但仍得提起第三人撤銷訴訟,及時釐清本訴確定判決效力主觀範圍(消極機能);未受通知、不受確定判決效力所及者,亦可提起之,蓋第三人撤銷訴訟除上開消極機能外,尚具排除矛盾裁判、救濟詐害訴訟之機能。關於職權通知與再審之關係:①除原受確定判決效力所及、於本訴具有當事人適格之第三人本具有再審原告適格外,於我國現行法下,第三人受職權通知將使其得以參加人地位提起再審謀求救濟。②法院未為職權通知,不應認為構成再審事由,第三人應循第三人撤銷訴訟救濟其程序權及實體權。又相較於日本目前討論提案之第三人再審制度,我國的第三人撤銷訴訟制度,可提供第三人更廣泛之保護,更可平衡兼顧第三人程序權保障與法安定性維護之要求。In order to balance the requirements of the procedural protection for the third-party and resolving the relevant disputes in one litigation for civil procedure, “Notification of Action by the Court” (Article 67-1 and Article 254, Paragraph 4) and “Third-Party Opposition Proceeding” (Article 507-1 to 507-5) were added into Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure during the amendments in 2000 and 2003. The former provides for the beforehand protection for the third-party, and the latter provides for the post protection. Through “Notification of Action by the Court”, the civil court may serve a written notice of the action and the phase reached to a third-party who is legally interested in the outcome of such action. By such notification of action, the third-party can have a chance to know that there is an action which may make an effect on his/her legal interests, and can have the option to decide whether and how to participate in the action. No matter whether the third-party who has been noticed actually participates in the action or not, he/she will be bound by the final and binding judgment. This institution of procedural participation for the third-party in Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure is rather unique. This thesis is about the legislative purposes, the construction requisites, and the legal effects of “Notification of Action by the Court”. It also discusses about whether the third-party is noticed or not can make an impact on the possibility to use the “Third-Party Opposition Proceeding” and “Rehearing Proceeding”. This thesis includes six chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction, which provides the motives, objects and questions of the study. Chapter 2 is about the legislative purposes. Chapter 3 is about the construction requisites and attempts to answer the following questions: Who’s “the legally interested third-party”? How does the court decide whether to notify the third-party or not? How, when, and what does the court notify the third-party? Chapter 4 is about the legal effects of “Notification of Action by the Court”, which focus on how the finial and binding judgment makes an effect on the third-party after the court had notified the third-party. It can be divided into two situations. One is that the third-party has actually intervened in the action, the other is that the third-party chose not to participate in the action in any way. Chapter 5 is about the relevance between “Notification of Action by the Court” and “Third-Party Opposition Proceeding”, and also the relevance between “Notification of Action by the Court” and “Rehearing Proceeding”. Furthermore, it compares “Third-Party Opposition Proceeding” in Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure with the new draft proposed by Japanese scholars of civil procedure law, and suggests that Taiwanese “Third-Party Opposition Proceeding” can provide the third-party more protection. Chapter 6 is the conclusion.論文使用權限: 不同意授權職權通知法律上利害關係第三人確定判決之效力程序保障統一解決紛爭第三人撤銷訴訟Notification of Action by the CourtLegally Interested Third-PartyEffect of Final and Binding JudgmentProcedural ProtectionThird-Party Opposition Proceeding民事訴訟上職權通知制度與判決對第三人拘束力─第三人程序保障下之統一解決紛爭─The Notification of Action by the Court and the Effect of Final and Binding Judgment on the Third-Party in Civil Procedure: To Resolve the Relevant Disputes in One Litigation under the Perspective of the Procedural Protection for the Third-Partythesis