管理學院: 國際企業學研究所指導教授: 洪茂蔚劉彥佐Liu, Yen-TsoYen-TsoLiu2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274822隨著互聯網技術的普及與純熟,原先「線下」運行的小額借貸經營模式逐漸轉移至「線上」營運,資料處理、資金、手續等全部通過網路實現,透過第三方平台同時收取一定利息,P2P網路借貸平台至此產生。 自2005年起,以Zopa、Proper、Lending Club為代表的P2P貸款服務平台在歐美興起,並逐漸推展至世界各地,該模式被廣泛的複製並持續的變革發展。在2013年後,中國的P2P借貸市場也呈現爆炸性的增長,在今年的交易額已經超越美國市場,隨著市場的競爭,模式也漸漸的分化,不同的業者會尋求各式的機會點,但在沒法規、規範的監管下,風險不斷提升,平台跑路、倒閉的事情也是層出不窮。 由於台灣在P2P借貸方面受限於法規的限制,屬於落後者的角色,因此透過深入了解大陸P2P借貸的市場,來了解其未來發展走向,在台灣開放後可以找到合適的切入點,並以中國市場為借鏡,訂定相關的法規監管,避免整體金融市場風險加劇。The rapid growth of such “peer-to-peer” lenders has been one of fintech’s most visible successes. The sector has grown rapidly: the five biggest platforms for consumer lending—Lending Club, Prosper and SoFi, all based in San Francisco, and Zopa and RateSetter in London. In 2003, China''s P2P lending market also showed explosive growth, the transaction amount this year has surpassed the United States market. With the competition in the market, the business model gradually become differentiated, different platforms will look for different opportunities. But in the absence of regulations, risks continue to rise, and we always hear about the news of platform collapse. P2P lending industries in Taiwan is limited by regulatory constraints, we belong to a follower role. Therefore we hope to deeply understand the China’s P2P lending market, and its future development trends. Then we can find the right entry point after the opening, set the relevant laws and regulations, and avoid the whole financial market instability and increased risk.論文使用權限: 不同意授權P2P借貸網貸平台個人對個人網路借貸金融去仲介化平台策略P2P LendingPeer-to-peer-lendingSocial LendingOnline Banking PlatformsFinancial Disintermediation由中國P2P借貸平台產業分析探討其未來發展及台灣之因應Discuss the Future Development of P2P Lending in Taiwan by Analyzing the China’s P2P Industrythesis