陳保基臺灣大學:動物科學技術學研究所葉月鳳Yeh, Yueh-FengYueh-FengYeh2010-05-112018-06-292010-05-112018-06-292008U0001-2701200821544000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/182005本試驗探討以乳酸菌( Lactobacillus )及麴菌( Aspergillus )混合發酵大豆粕,添加於豬隻飼糧與抗生素比較,對生長性能、免疫反應及腸道健康等效果。基礎飼糧以玉米-大豆粕為主。試驗為21-172日齡,分為兩組進行:(1) 抗生素組:21-35日齡和35-70日齡各添加魚粉4%和5%,及含氯四環黴素( Chlortetracycline ) 130 ppm、磺胺賽唑( Sulfathiazole ) 130 ppm、盤尼西林( Penicillin ) 66 ppm、海樂喏( Halquinol ) 120 ppm;(2) 發酵大豆粕組:21-70日齡添加發酵大豆粕5%,飼糧中不含抗生素及魚粉。70-172日齡餵飼商業肉豬飼料,不含抗生素及發酵大豆粕。試驗期間於35、70、119和172日齡記錄飼料採食量、增重、飼料效率和下痢情況。採集血液,測定免疫球蛋白(IgG、IgM、IgA)濃度和血液生化值。豬隻犧牲後採集迴腸、盲腸和結腸內容物,分別測定乳酸菌、大腸桿菌和腸球菌數量;刮取空腸黏膜測定免疫球蛋白A濃度及檢測空腸和迴腸絨毛形態。酵大豆粕的蛋白質和水溶性蛋白質較未發酵大豆粕高( P<.05 ),且含有37 %的蛋白質分子量介於1-2 kDa。生長性能方面,35日齡時增重與採食量( 23 %、17 % )在發酵大豆粕組略高於抗生素組。70、119和172日齡的生長性能兩組沒有差異。下痢評分方面,35-70日齡發酵大豆粕組的下痢百分比高於抗生素組,卻不影響生長表現,在21-35日齡兩組則沒有差異。腸道形態學方面,70日齡時發酵大豆粕組的迴腸絨毛形態兩組沒有差異,在空腸的絨毛高度、面積、周長,較抗生素組低( P<.05 )。免疫反應及不同腸道的菌數,兩組沒有顯著差異。綜合上述結果,豬隻在21-35日齡添加5 %發酵大豆粕有較佳的優勢。不過,發酵大豆粕組在腸道功能及糞便形態評分表現不佳,添加於豬隻飼糧中可能無法與抗生素添加有相同的效果。Experiments were conducted to study the effect of fermented soybean meal (FSM), which was soybean meal fermented by Lactobacillus and Aspergillus, to replace antibiotic and animal protein in pig feed. The experiments was divided to phaseⅠ(21-35 days of age) and phaseⅡ(35-70 days of age). Experimental feed were based on corn-soybean meal, the treatments were: 1) Antibiotic group: 21-35 and 35-70 days of age basal diet with 4% and 5% fish meal supplemented respectively, Chlortetracycline 130 ppm, Sulfathiazole 130 ppm, Penicillin 66 ppm, Halquinol 120 ppm. 2) FSM group: basal diet with 5% FSM to replace fish meal and antibiotics. The body weight gain, feed consumption and feed efficiency of pigs were recorded at 35, 70, 119 and 172 days of age. Blood sample analyzed the immune response with the concentrations of plasma immunoglobulin. The mucosa of jejunum was collected to analyze the concentrations of immunoglobulin A. The ileum, cecum and colon were collected to analyze bacterial composition and intestinal morphology. FSM had have more crude protein and soluble protein content in diet than commercial soybean meal (P<.05). 37 % of FSM proteins were below 1-2 kDa by FPLC. The results showed the growth performance of FSM group at 35 days of age was better than antibiotics group, but there were no significant difference at 70, 119 and 172 days of age. In diarrhea score, FSM group have more diarrhea pigs than antibiotics group during 35-70 days of age, but not in 21-35 days of age. The villus height and area in ileum were no significant difference thought experiment, but it decreased in jejunum of FSM group at 70 days of age when compared to antibiotics group (P<.05). There were no significant differences in the immune response and the microbial count in different parts of intestine between treatments. The results suggested that feed supplemented with FSM to replace antibiotics have the same immunity and microbial population with antibiotics group. In conclusion, the supplements of 5% FSM during 21-35 days of age have better performance than the antibiotics group. However, the FSM supplementation may not have the same effects as antibiotic supplementation in pig.目 錄 頁次、中文摘要 1、英文摘要 2、前言 4、文獻探討 5、材料與方法 21、結果與討論 30、結論 61、參考文獻 62、附錄 72application/pdf892702 bytesapplication/pdfen-US發酵大豆粕免疫絨毛腸道菌相Fermented soybean mealPig, ImmunityVillusGut flora[SDGs]SDG3發酵大豆粕對豬隻生長性能、免疫反應及腸道功能之影響Effects of Fermented Soybean Meal on Growth Performance, Immune Response and Gut Function of Pigsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/182005/1/ntu-97-R94626019-1.pdf