李蘭黃美維陸玓玲潘怜燕李隆安鄧肖琳2009-06-022018-06-292009-06-022018-06-291995http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/160774本研究目的為瞭解台灣地區成年人在與健康相關行為上的分佈情形、因素結構、並探討與不利健康行為相關的背景因素。以台灣地區年滿十八歲及以上之現住人口為母群体,利用多步驟抽樣過程,先取得二十五個地區(鄉、鎮、市、區);再自各地區隨機選出三個各有相連十五戶住家的集區;最後以各戶中的成人為訪視對象。研究工具為自行發展之「台灣地區成人有關慢性病的認知與保健行為調查」問卷,調查期間為民國八十三年三月至五月,共取得2565份有效資料。整體說來,與健康相關之行為在研究樣本中較普遍存在的項目是:少吃非精製穀類食物(70.0%)、從不運動(41.1%)、常喝甜飲料(31.6%)等。與健康相關的行為項目經歸納並以主成份分析處理後發現,這些行為聚集成四個因素,分別命名為:菸酒檳鄉習慣、不良飲食習慣、茶與咖啡習慣、和不當生活習慣。因素解釋率分別為34.3%, 22.1%, 22.0%,和21.6%。控制相關的行為變項後,背景因素包括性別、年齡、教育、婚姻、籍貫、保險、信仰、自覺健康、自己罹病、和親友罹病等變項,分別與各個「不利健康之行為」有不同程度的關係。根據本研究結果,除建議加強調查研究和篩檢服務外,並針對介入計畫主題及介入計畫對象之選擇,提出具体的參考方向。 The purposes of this study were to: (1) understand the distribution of health behaviors among Taiwanese adults; (2) analyze the factor structure of these behaviors; and (3) find out the factors related to behaviors adverse to health. We studied Taiwan residents aged 18 years and over. Using a multi-stage sampling procedure, 25 regions (village, city, township, and district) were first selected. Three clusters having 15 linked households in each cluster were randomly chosen from each region. The subsects were all the about of each of these house holds. A total of 2565 adults completed a version of "Taiwanese Adults' Cognitions and Behaviors Related to Chronic Diseases Survey Questionnaire". Overall, more prevalent behaviors among the subjects were: less intake of unrefined cereal (70.0%), never exercising (41.1%), frequent intake of sweet beverages (31.6%), etc. Using principle component analysis, the health behaviors were categorized into four factors with the names of "smoking, drinking, and betel-nut chewing", "undesired food intake", "drinking tea and coffee", and "inappropriate lifestyle". The proportion of the total variances that can be explained by these four factors are 34.3%, 22.1%, 20.0%, and 21.6% respectively. When other behavioral variables were controlled, background factors including gender, age, education, marriage, Place of binth, religion, insurance, perceived health, having chronic disease, and having ralatives with chronic disease all have a different relation to each item of behavior adverse to health. Results of this study suggest that health surveys and health screening should be strengthened. Priorities for selecting behavioral problems and farget groups were also suggested.application/pdf2740198 bytesapplication/pdfen-US健康行為健康促進成年人行為流行學health behaviorhealth promotionadultbehavioral epidemiology台灣地區成人的健康行為探討:分佈情形、因素結構和相關因素An Investigation of Health Behaviors in Taiwanese Adults: Distribution, Factor Structure, and Related Factorsjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/160774/1/11.pdf