2015-01-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/664145摘要:草莓(Fragaria Xananasa Duch.)源自北美溫帶地區,性喜冷涼氣候,不耐暑熱;因此,在臺灣低海拔地區,草莓栽培模式限定在中秋至春末。此外,在台灣相對溫暖潮濕的栽培環境下栽培草莓,常致使較嚴重的病蟲害發生,導致化學藥劑使用量高及果實之農藥殘留之疑慮。因此,若能利用精密調控環境栽培母株,於設施中生產穴盤苗,以利設施中有效隔離病蟲害,生產高品質草莓的栽培模式。前2年的試驗結果顯示,可藉由走莖扦插繁殖子株,獲得健康種苗,配合冷藏技術,可以配合產業調節出苗時程,並錯開田間不利環境對苗株的影響並改變農民育苗習慣。本年度計畫目標將調整為改善低溫貯藏條件,延長走莖儲藏壽命,降低農民應用門檻,提高應用率。<br> Abstract: Strawberry (Fragaria Xananasa Duch.) originated from North America and favors cool temperature, the production of strawberry is restricted in mid-autumn to late spring in low land of Taiwan. Moreover, the relative warm and humid growing environment makes strawberry much vulnerable to pathogen, and which results in over application of chemicals. Therefore, we intend to establish a facility production system for plug-grown strawberry plants. The result of previous 2 years, we developed a protocol for producing plug-grown strawberry plants. In addition, by introducing cold storage, we are able to avoid detrimental environment for cuttage production. The objective of this year is to improve the cold storage technique to lengthen the storage duration and lower the application threshold.草莓設施生產穴盤植株生育低溫貯藏氣變貯藏Strawberry facility productionplug trayplant vigorcold storagemodified atmosphere storage蔬菜育種、生產及採後處理之技術研發-設施草莓苗生產體系建立