衛生政策與管理研究所;Institute of Health Policy and Management李淑霞吳淑瓊2008-08-272018-06-292008-08-272018-06-291998http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/81590本研究以徑路模式檢驗影響家庭照護者負荷與憂鬱的因素,從臺北地區四個社區中1583位隨機老人樣本,篩選得144位功能障礙老人及其主要家庭照護者進行結構式問卷訪談,結果發現徑路模式對照護者憂鬱變異量的解釋力達31%,照護者負荷為照護者憂鬱最重要影響因素,總影響效果達0.41,照護者自覺負荷越大憂鬱程度越重;其次,照護者自覺家庭支持不高,自覺健康不好也會使照護者憂鬱程度加重。模式對照護者負荷變異量的解釋力達40 %,影響照護者感覺負荷較重的因素包含:被照護老人身體功能較差、問題行為較多、照護者自覺健康較差、照護者曾經歷工作衝突、曾有專業支持、自覺家庭支持較低等。雖然老人的身體健康、照護者工作衝突和專業支持對照護者憂鬱冉直接影響,但其透過照護者負荷對憂鬱所產生的間接影響也應加以重視。 In this study, the determinants of burden and depression among family caregivers were examined by a path model. The subjects of study were 144 disabled elders and their primary family caregivers. The elders were selected from a probability sample (n=1583) of four communities around the Taipei area. The data collection method was through face to face interview with the disabled elders and their primary family caregivers, using a structured questionnaire. Study findings indicated that 40% and 31% respectively of the total variance of the burden among caregivers and depression among caregivers were explained by the path model. The burden among caregivers exerted the most significant effect on the caregivers' depression. The total effect was 0.41. The more burden the caregiver felt, the more depression the caregiver experienced. In addition, the depression among caregivers was directly affected by their perception of low family support and poor health status. Greater burden was more likely to be reported among caregivers who were taking care of highly dependent elders and those with more behavior problems. Burden was also reported in the instances where the caregivers perceived poor health status, work conflicts, and low family and professional support. Although depression among caregivers was not directly affected by factors such as the caregivers work conflicts, professional support, and the health status of the dependent elders, these factors did affect the depression among caregivers indirectly by filtering through the caregivers' burden.en-US照護者憂鬱照護者負荷功能障礙老人caregiver depressioncaregiver burdendisabled ederIy家庭照顧者負荷與憂鬱之影響因素journal article