2008-11-012024-05-16https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/669461摘要:本計畫配合行政院原子能委員會核能研究所之「永安廠ㄧ期儲氣槽量化風險評估計畫」,就颱風外部事件進行風力危害影響之評估探討。本計畫首先針對永安廠一期儲氣槽場址(site)鄰近之岡山機場與臺南機場氣象測站,收集兩測站之歷年(>30年)侵臺颱風期間之逐時風速以及每年最大風速之發生記錄。經過資料品質確認後,根據這些測站長期氣候風速資料再以統計複迴歸方法推估儲氣槽場址當地之風速特性,最後提出場址的年超越頻率(Annual exceeding frequency)曲線,做為颱風風力災害曲線之風險評估使用。<br> Abstract: This project supports the program of quantification risk assessment at Yong-An gas tank by the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER), to study the external incident caused by typhoon hazards. At the beginning, we will collect the long-term hourly meteorological data and the maximum wind speed recorded by Gunshan and Tainan airport weather stations which are the two nearest weather stations surrounding Yong-An gas tank. Through the data quality check, we then use multiple regression method to estimate the wind filed at Yong-An site. At the end, the annual exceeding frequency of wind speed at this site could be produced and cited by INER as the reference for assessing wind risk.颱風年超越頻率風力災害typhoonannual exceeding frequencywind risk永安液化天然氣廠場址之颱風危害分析服務