管理學院: 國際企業學研究所指導教授: 謝明慧王樂知Wang, Lo-ChihLo-ChihWang2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274724面對環境、產業、消費者、企業內部等不斷變動的各個面向,企業的經營模式必須要有所調整才能創造優勢,然而企業不同階段所面對的情境、擁有的資源與能力各不相同,因此其轉型過程便也有所差異,再加上轉型過程並非能一步到位,而是需要邊做邊學、不斷修正方能達到目標,此特性正適合用即創觀點進行探討,因此本研究之主題便是以即創之觀點研究企業進行經營模式轉型之歷程。 本研究採用質性個案研究法作為研究方法,選取台灣大車隊作為此次個案分析之企業,透過文獻搜集與訪談資料整理將其經營模式轉型過程帶入即創流程與類型進行剖析,同時針對其不同時期之經營模式轉型的內容細部詳述,最後其結果會聚焦於企業原核心事業與經營模式轉型部分之關係能否達到整合。 研究結果顯示企業在進行經營模式的轉型過程時,確實會碰到挑戰、無法一次達標,但在這個過程中發展即創能成為企業彌平、降低挑戰的一項能力,而企業不同階段所發展的即創轉型歷程也會有所不同,然最終企業的原核心事業與轉型之部分都會朝向整合的方式發展,以達到最大的效益。本研究希望透過此探討,能給後續企業在進行經營模式轉型時作為一參考與借鏡。Faced with constant changes in various aspects, coming from environmental, industrial, consumer, and internal fronts, an enterprise must adjust its business model accordingly in order to create advantages. However, each firm at different stages encounters different situations, owns different resources, and possesses different capabilities. Therefore, its transformation process will not always remain the same. Moreover, transformation cannot be achieved in one step, but has to be accomplished through continuous learning and correction during the process. Thus, the notion of improvisation provides a suitable concept to investigate such a transformation process. The theme of this research is to study the transformation process of an enterprise’s business model from the perspective of improvisation. The method of our research was by means of case study. We chose Taiwan Taxi as the object of analysis. Data concerning the transformation of its business model were compiled from the literature and through interviews. An improvisation scenario was constructed, described and examined in detail. The conclusion of the discussion focused on whether integration was obtained between the original core business and the transformed parts. The results show that when an enterprise undergoes business model transformation, it indeed will meet obstacles and challenges, unable to reach goals at one stroke. Nevertheless, the enterprise can develop improvisation in the process to reduce threats and overcome difficulties. The enterprise may take different improvisations at distinct stages, but it can proceed towards an ultimate synergy of the core business and the transformed parts for greatest benefits. It is our hope that this research can be of help as a reference and example to future enterprises with their business model transformation.2401189 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/7/4論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)經營模式轉型歷程整合即創business modeltransformationprocessintegrationimprovisation探討企業經營模式轉型之即創歷程—以台灣大車隊為例Exploring a Firm’s Improvisation Process of business model transformation— A Case of Taiwan Taxithesis10.6342/NTU201600545http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274724/1/ntu-105-R03724005-1.pdf