生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 張宏浩; 廖培安蔡朱芳儀TsaiChu, Fang-YiFang-YiTsaiChu2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275777台灣高等教育擴張減少了年輕人口進入勞動力市場,加上因經濟的蓬勃發展,帶來國民所得與消費能力的提升,民眾對於基層製造與營造業等需要體力且具危險性之行業望之卻步,所謂的三K行業(工作性質較辛苦、國人意願較低、缺工嚴重)更是乏人問津;於是開始有引進外勞的需求。 隨著台灣產業缺工問題的逐漸嚴重,許多公司或工廠現已聘任外籍勞工加入生產行列,然而外勞之增加亦引發許多社會問題。其中最廣為討論的應該是外勞之非法逃逸所引發的各項社會問題;但是非法逃逸為外籍勞工「未完成合約」之其中一小部份;除此之外,外籍勞工因各式原因「解除合約」亦影響聘僱公司之生產安排。為深入了解此問題,本論文以G公司所承接的外籍勞工仲介案例的資料進行分析,以計量經濟學之迴歸模型(Logit Model、Multinomial Logit Model)探討影響外勞未完成合約(亦即提前停止合約)之各項影響因子。更具體而言,本論文探討外勞之性別、年紀、原國籍、受聘公司型態等如何影響外籍勞工未依合約期滿而提前離職的機率。 初步研究結果指出,性別與年齡並未顯著影響提前解約之機率;相反的原國籍和公司型態才是影響提前離職(未期滿)之主要影響因子。本研究結果之主要原因可能來自於受聘公司的待遇、語言之適應性和與外勞管理政策有關。本研究之發現可提供未來制定更有效外勞管理政策之參考依據,亦可提供未來引進農業外勞時政策制定之參考。With the increasing severity of Taiwan''s industrial labor shortage, many companies or factories have recruited foreign workers to join the ranks of production, but the increase of foreign workers also lead to many social problems. One of the most widely discussed issue is the social problem triggered by an escaping or illegal foreign workers. But the escaping and illegal foreign workers constitute only a one small part of the ""unfinished contracts"" issue. In addition, foreign workers ""terminate contracts"" due to various reasons. which affect the hiring company''s production schedule. To better understand this problem, this paper uses the G Company, a foreign workers agency, cases to analyzed the regression model of econometrics (the Multinomial Logit Model) and investigate the influencing factors that affects the laborers to not complete the contracts (prematurely stoppage of contracts). More specifically, the present paper examines the labor gender, age, nationality, state patterns employed by the company, contracts itself and other patterns affecting the chances of foreign workers from ompleting the contract causing advance their departure. Preliminary research results indicate that gender and age did not significantly affect probability of early termination. Contradictory, the study showed the main nfluencing factors are the labor nationality and the employing company which have an impact on the early separation patterns (unfinished). The results of this study showed the main reasons may be derived from the language comprehension, the company''s labor adaptability, treatment and management policies. The findings of this study can provide reference for the future development of more effective labor management policies. Policy makers can provide a reference for the future introduction of agricultural labor.1284028 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)全球化外籍勞工外勞基本工資Globalizationforeign workersbasic wages討論外勞未完成合約之影響因子-以G仲介公司為例Discussion on the Factors Affecting the Foreign Workers to Break Contract:ACase Study of G Companthesis10.6342/NTU201602994http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275777/1/ntu-105-P03627016-1.pdf