張尊國2006-07-252018-06-292006-07-252018-06-2920002000-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/10700土壤重金屬調查資料之空間特性有明 顯差異,部份重金屬常顯現出許多的 極端值或小區域內污染物濃度複雜的 空間變異。本研究以彰化地區小樣區 的鋅重金屬調查資料為例,以一般克 利金與條件隨機模擬法,分別估計與 模擬這些重金屬的濃度空間分佈,並 比較分析、估計與模擬結果。結果顯 示條件模擬法可模擬出多模擬域鋅重 金屬,且這些模擬域之變異圖能吻合 實際值之變異圖,因此這些模擬域可 為此重金屬中樣區鋅重金屬大範圍聯 合克利金估計時之第二變數,以增加 其估計之精確度。Collected data in soil heavy metal investigations may contain significant levels of uncertainty, including complex and even unexplainable spatial variations at a small investigation site. Therefore, this study identifies the spatial structure of soil zinc in the northern part of Changhua County in Taiwan to generate multiple realization of soil zinc. The spatial maps of this heavy metal are simulated by using the geostatistical simulation, and estimated by using ordinary kriging and natural log kriging. The estimation and simulation results indicate that Sequential Gaussian Simulations can reproduce the spatial structure for investigated data. Furthermore, displaying a low spatial variability, the ordinary kriging can not fit the spatial structure and small-scale variation for the soil zinc investigated data. The multiple simulated realizations also can be used as secondary variable for cokriging to improve the accuracy of estimation.application/pdf49187 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學生物環境系統工程學系暨研究所條件隨機模擬法克利金法土壤重金屬空間變異極端值聯合克利金Geostatistical simulationkrigingsoil zincspatial variabilitycokriging行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告:地理統計模擬與估計法評估土壤重金屬污染範圍reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/10700/1/892621B002004.pdf