生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 張宏浩; 孫立群周柏均Chou, Po-ChunPo-ChunChou2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275981品牌對企業而言,是一項非常重要之無形資產。透過發展品牌來擴展企業之規模,此不僅可為企業帶來有形利潤,還能創造更高之市場價值。近年來,由於競爭業態越趨模糊,以及消費者選擇漸趨多樣化等瞬息萬變之狀態,若要知道消費者內心對於企業品牌形象及滿意度等資訊,研究人員需要有個更好之研究方法,來深入瞭解民眾內心想法,來挖掘民眾真正要的是什麼。 過去研究雖有許多針對企業品牌形象的研究,但卻沒有用質化ZMET方法來進行之。研究人員需要有個更好之研究方法,來深入瞭解民眾內心想法,來挖掘民眾真正要的是什麼,而ZMET具有此方面之長處,因此,本研究訪談十位消費者後,並透過ZMET研究方法去探討受訪者對於全聯福利中心企業(品牌)形象之構念為何? 研究結果分別對全聯福利中心抽取出一些共識構念,分別為徐重仁、統一超商、年輕族群、全聯先生、總裁、便宜的、農產專區、印象深刻的、企業社會責任、二代店、小農等等。藉由上述構念可提供給全聯福利中心,有關消費者對其企業(品牌)形象之內心想法與感覺,以利全聯福利中心未來企業(品牌)形象塑造之參考依據。Brand is a very important intangible assets of an enterprise. The development of the brand can expand the business, not only in terms of tangible profits, but will also create a higher market value. Business competition has increasingly blurred in recent years due to consumers choice for diversification. Researchers needs better method of gaining an insight into people inner thoughts and their needs in order to understand the consumers desire for a corporate brand image and how to satisfy them. Although many studies on corporate brand image had been undertaken in the past but have not avail of the qualitative ZMET(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique) approach to it. The need for a better research in understand people inner thoughts and to tap what people really want is to have the ZMET. Thus, this study of ten consumers were conducted and said research using the ZMET to explore the respondent PXmart enterprise (brand) image. The study were able to gathered some consensus regarding PXmart from Hsu Chung-Jen, President Chain Store Corporation, the young generation, Mr. PXmart, CEO, cheap,agri-zone,impressive,corporat social responsibility, the second-generation shop , small farmers and so on. The above mentioned diverse sectors may provide Pxmart a good knowledge of its consumers inner thoughts and feelings, in order to promote future business image building.論文使用權限: 不同意授權(企業)品牌形象隱喻抽取技術(Corporate) brand imageZMET(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique)全聯福利中心在台南新營地區品牌形象之研究-隱喻抽取技術之應用Exploring the Brand Image of PX Mart in Tainan Sinying Area- An Application of Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Techniquethesis10.6342/NTU201602591