楊泮池2006-08-312018-07-112006-08-312018-07-112005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/29791Microarray technology is the central platform for functional genomics and translational research in the post-genomic era. Our main goal is to establish an up-to-date microarray core facility, dedicated to provide high quality microarrays, technical supports and services to researchers in genomic medicine nationwide. Access to this high quality microarray will allow our researchers to be on the cutting edge of genetic research, focus on microarray-based gene expression profiling to explore the pathogenic mechanism of human diseases. The microarray technology is particularly important to clinical medicine in post-genomic era. It will provide high throughput and valuable insights into differences in an individual’s disease as compared with constitutional mRNA expression. The microarray information can provide tissue-specific disease signatures and therefore, can improve disease diagnosis, disease classification, prognosis evaluation, identify biomarkers, individualized patient treatment and improve treatment outcome. Although the cDNA microarray is extremely powerful, the current application is still limited. The major obstacles are its high cost and difficulty in maintaining good quality microarray and experiment. The purpose of this project presented here is to establish the Core Lab and libraries for high quality service of microarray under the reasonable price. The core facility will provide services including target labeling, microarray hybridization, colorimetric and fluorescence detections, image digitization, and cluster analysis. In addition, the services of custom-made chips including membrane- and glass-format microarray are also provided. According to the work capacity, microarray core facility will open for the investigators of academic and research institution participated in National Research Program of Genomic Medicine to apply. The core facility has been established in National Taiwan University College of Medicine for more than four years. Also, the Core Lab offered related research consultation and education training to medical campus. National Science Council supports our core facility from 2002 to set up the “Microarray Core Facility for Genomic Medicine”, which offers nation-wide microarray services right away. The microarray core facility has provided complete microarray services for dozens of institutions, including the researchers of Taiwan University, Chung-Shan, Yang-Ming University, Chang-Geng University, Chung-Shan Medical University, and so on, for 2,853 pieces of microarray membranes including human, mouse, and custom-made chips. There are still hundreds of chips waiting for preparation. We had published 7 papers on SCI journals and submitted 3 papers. The users of this core facility also had published 5 papers on SCI journals and submitted 2 papers (see publication). We will provide services by the enrolled order and work capacity. To provide a large number and swift microarray services and develop new microarray format such as cell-based siRNA and promoter screening microarrays, the additional equipment and personnel are essential. The Web address of Microarray Core Facility is http://microarray.mc.ntu.edu.tw in which containing application procedure and working flow path, applicants can apply for services on-line and download the application form.微陣列是發展及應用較為成熟的生物晶片技術之一,是後基因時代基因體醫學研究之重要 平台,此晶片技術已廣泛的應用於各領域的基礎研究,亦將直接或間接的應用於疾病之診斷、分類、疾病之預後評估,並改善疾病之治療。由於基因晶片的設備及成本高昂,導致此技術無 法廣為應用於各領域之研究。本計劃之目的為設立微陣列核心實驗室及基因庫,將以合理價格 提供高品質之人類及老鼠基因微陣列晶片全套性且完整性實驗服務,包括核酸標記、雜交反 應、呈色偵測、影像分析、數值擷取及叢集分析,另外並代為製作各式晶片。核心實驗室將依 最大工作能量,提供參與基因體醫學國家型科技計畫之各學術及研究機構研究人員申請使用。 本核心實驗室已於台大醫學院設置四年有餘,並提供醫學校區相關的研究諮詢與教育訓 練。九十一年度受國科會補助成立「微陣列基因體醫學核心實驗室」,並立即提供全國性的微 陣列服務,為國內能完整提供基因微陣列服務的核心實驗室之一。自從九十一年八月受國科會 補助開始對外服務後,目前已提供台大、陽明、中山、長庚、中山醫學等大學超過2,853 片人 類、老鼠及代製晶片,後續登記要求服務的更高達數百片,將依登記先後及實驗室製作容量提 供服務。我們已在國際期刊發表七篇SCI 文章,另有三篇正在審查中;核心設施使用者也發表 了五篇SCI 文章並有兩篇審查中(如Publication 段落)。為能提供高品質、大量且快速的微陣 列服務並發展新的微陣列格式,如細胞siRNA 及啟動子微陣列等,增購相關設備及增聘研究人 員則是必要的。為提昇基因微陣列之教學及人員操作訓練,我們編撰基因微陣列操作儀使用手 冊及基因微陣列資料分析實務手冊〈請見附件〉。提供使用者深入瞭解基因微陣列儀器之操作 及資料分析。我們並建立基因體醫學核心實驗室網站〈http://microarray.mc.ntu.edu.tw 〉, 內含申請程序及作業流程,可供使用者上網申請並下載表格。研究同仁可直接上網申請服務, 找尋資訊或查詢資料application/pdf1114688 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學醫學院內科[SDGs]SDG3核心設施-微陣列基因體醫學核心實驗室IIIreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/29791/1/933112B002026Y.pdf