2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714726The Graduate Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) was established in August 2014. The GIPA is affiliated with the College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University (NTU). The Institute grew out of the public administration field, which was one of the academic concentrations under the Master program at the Political Science department. The GIPA continues to prepare our graduates to be professional leaders in the public sector, non-profit organizations, and profit organizations cooperating with the public sector. The field of public affairs is increasingly important. A broader research field is needed to accommodate the understanding of shifts in economic structures, the expansion of government, financial crises, rapid technological developments, and greater environmental concerns. Overall, the field of public affairs is becoming a dynamic area of study that extends beyond the research scope of traditional public administration. As the leading university in Taiwan, the GIPA at NTU aims to create meaningful changes to areas of public administration, government affairs, and public policy for both international and domestic challenges. To further advance the knowledge domain of public affairs that consist of a great variety of different research areas, a mix of academic faculty aims to bridge theory and practice by offering broad perspectives and expertise.臺大公共事務研究所之前身為臺大政治學系公共行政組碩士班。臺大政治學系於民國46年設立政治學研究所碩士班;民國77年,該碩士班分成公共行政組、政治理論組與國際關係組三組進行招生及教學。民國103年8月1日,為因應公共事務學術領域之發展,臺大政治學系公共行政組碩士班轉型獨立為臺大公共事務研究所,隸屬於社會科學院。 公共事務之研究,是近年來歐美公部門研究之核心與主流。二十世紀初期,各國公共行政的學術研究係以政府機關的行政運作為對象,致力於提高政府行政業務的效率與效能。然而二次大戰以後,因應民主政治之發展與民眾需求之提升,政府功能不斷擴張。同時,在1970年代世界石油危機之後,各國財政壓力亦日益嚴重。因此,政府不僅必須厲行節約,亦須思考如何引進和善用民間資源。在這樣的思維模式下,公部門之學術研究遂逐步擴展範圍,除了政府機關行政運作之傳統領域,亦將民間部門所進行之各項公共事務納入整合研究的範疇,「公共事務」因而成為國際上一個重要且蓬勃發展的學術領域。 面對公共事務領域重要性不斷提升的時代趨勢,臺大政治學系公共行政組碩士班乃於民國103年獨立為公共事務研究所。未來本所將立基於已有之豐厚學術基礎上,進一步深化行政管理、公共政策與政府事務之相關研究,並致力於優質公共事務專業人才之培養。Public AffairsAcademic Institute