社會科學院: 新聞研究所指導教授: 林麗雲陳思佳Chen, Si-JiaSi-JiaChen2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275082近年來,中國線上影音產業發展迅速,逐漸改變了中國的傳媒地景。然而,中國廣電總局於2014年頒布的「限外令」,對中國線上影音網站進口境外影視劇提出了「數量限制、內容要求、先審後播、統一登記」的管理原則,可能進一步影響與改變中國線上影音產業的發展路徑。 本研究根據產業經濟學「結構—行為—績效」架構,分析「限外令」對中國線上影音產業市場結構、廠商行為、與績效表現的影響。研究採用深度訪談與資料分析結合之研究方法,以合一集團與樂視集團為例,發現「限外令」推出的兩年期間,政策對產業的市場結構、廠商行為影響明顯,但對績效表現的影響尚不顯著。政策效果顯示,「限外令」達成了維護本國文化主體性、促進本土影視產業發展、以及加強進口影視內容意識形態審查的政策目標。在本研究的基礎上,未來研究者可持續觀察「限外令」政策對中國線上影音產業的長期影響。China’s online video industry has been developing fast during these years, gradually changing its media landscape. Chinese government, however, carried out ‘Outer limit order’ in 2014, in order to control the import of oversea plays in online video industry, in terms of import amount, content examination, import procedure, and so on. ‘Outer limit order’ therefore is likely to influence the further development of its online video industry. This study adopts the SCP framework in industrial economics to systematically analyze the impacts of ‘Outer limit order’ on online video industry in China, including market structure, conduct and performance. It takes Heyi Group and LeEco Group as major cases, using methods of semi-structured interview and document analysis. According to the analysis, ‘Outer limit order’ has significantly influenced the market structure and conduct of the industry, but not its performance. Consequently, this policy has partly reached its goals of promoting local film and television industry and intensifying its content examination. Based n this study, future researchers may evaluate the policy’s long-term impacts on the industry.3021450 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)產業經濟學媒體經濟學中國線上影音產業「結構—行為—績效」Industrial economicsMedia economicsOnline video industry in ChinaSCP「限外令」對中國線上影音產業發展的影響—以合一集團與樂視集團為例Impacts of “Outer Limit Order” on Online Video Industry in China - The Cases of Heyi Group and LeEco Groupthesis10.6342/NTU201602597http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275082/1/ntu-105-R03342021-1.pdf