國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所郭斯彥2006-07-252018-07-062006-07-252018-07-062003-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/7915行動代理人程式架構在分散式環境中提供了一個可設定的、可擴展的並且主 動式的計算平台,因此被視為具有在網際網路上提供一個可分享資源、服務及計 算能力的全域性與整合性計算平台之潛力。而XML 作為一個Markup Language 則具有在網際網路上不同系統與平台間資訊交換之能力,也因此成為最有可能整 合Intranet、Extranet 及Internet 上,同一組織或不同組織之間不同系統服務之技 術。 本計劃希望能依據此行動代理人程式架構作為支援協同合作之應用程式的 發展平台,提供易於使用的分散式服務開發介面,使應用程式開發者能充分發揮 此架構提供之基礎功能,專注於服務之開發。並且藉由行動代理人架構能夠隱藏 網際網路上不同平台間之異質性之能力,讓應用程式能夠容易的達成可擴充性與 跨平台性。Mobile Agents have been shown to be a promising approach to addressing the issues of ubiquitous computing: they have advantages in managing vast amount of information available in the fixed network, relieving the problems of slow, unreliable connectivity, and limited capacity inherited in mobile computers. Mobile Agent Infrastructure provides a computing platform in the configurable, scalable, and initiative way. XML as an information markup language has the ability to do information exchange on the Internet across the different platforms and operating systems. It is the most potential technology to integrate the systems and services in the same and different organizations on the Intranet, Extranet, and Internet. The Mobile Agent Infrastructure will support collaborative computing by providing an easily used distributed services development interface. The collaborative computing service developer can use this interface to develop the collaborative computing applications. At the same time, the Mobile Agent Infrastructure can hide the heterogeneous among the different platform to provide the ability of platform independent and scalability.application/pdf138444 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所行動代理人程式XML協同合作資訊交換資源管理容錯負載平衡Mobile AgentCollaborative ComputingInformation ExchangeResource ManagementFault ToleranceLoad Balance支援協同計算行動代理人平台之研發(2/3)Research and Development of Mobile Agent-Based Platform for Collaborative Computingreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/7915/1/912213E002042.pdf