護理學系戴臆珊駱麗華陳月枝TAI, YI-SHANYI-SHANTAILO, LI-HUALI-HUALOCHEN, YUEH-CHIHYUEH-CHIHCHEN2009-09-132018-07-072009-09-132018-07-072003http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/166113本文之目的為回顧1981~2000年台灣地區經公開發表之兒癌護理相關中英文文獻,透 過網路搜尋得文獻共計102篇,針對文獻之性質、主題及研究類文獻之設計、樣本、 結果等分類整理,歸納出近二十年兒童癌症護理發展之概況。就篇數而言已由前十年 之18篇(17.6%)文獻,增加為後十年之84篇(82.4%),其中博/碩士論文由6篇(5 .9%)增加為12篇(11.8%);個案研究報告由6篇(5.9%)增加為17篇(16.7%);研 究類文獻之發表情形由3篇(2.9%)描述性研究增加為33篇(32.4%),而33篇中又以 描述性研究佔15篇為最多,其次分別為相關性/比較性研究9篇,及質性研究8篇,三 角交叉法1篇;文獻查證類由0篇增加為11篇。研究主題則以探討主要照顧者之心理及 行為之研究為最多,以病童之手足為象之研究較少。研究設計多為描述性研究,實驗 /類實驗設計之研究僅二篇,研究結果多能產生新知識且對臨床之應用有貢獻,有三 分之二的博/碩士論文未發表。由此可知近二十年中,除了文獻篇數增加外,在文獻 之內容方面,有關病童本身及其主要照顧者之相關文獻也有逐年增加之趨勢;未來可 再針對病童手足為研究對象探討,並嘗試以實驗/類實驗之研究設計,建立以實證為 基礎之護理臨床實務。 The purpose of the paper was to review 102 literatures related to pediatric oncology nursing in Taiwan from 1981 to 2000, and category them according to the characteristics of literatures, titles, methodology and research findings. Comparing the literatures between the first decade (1981~1990) and the second decade (1991~2000), the publications increased from 18 (17.6%) to 84 (82.4%). Among these literatures, dissertations and master theses increased from 6 (5.9%) to 12 (11.8%). Meanwhile, case studies increased from 6 (5.9%) to 17 (16.7%). Original articles also increased from 3 (2.9%) to 33 (32.4%), including descriptive study (15), correlational / comparative study (9), qualitative study (8), and triangulation (1). Reviewing articles increased form 0 to 11 . Most titles focused on psycho-behavioral aspects of caregivers and less on siblings. The findings of these studies generated new knowledge and contributed to clinical practice. However, 61.1% dissertations and master theses were not published. During these two decades, not only increasing the number of articles, but also expended the contents on children and caregivers. In considerations of evidence-based practice, more studies are needed in siblings and experimental studies in the future .en-US文獻查證兒童癌症護理literature reviewpediatric oncology nursingReviewing Literatures Related to Pediatric Oncology Nursing in Taiwan during the Past Two Decades: 1981~2000回顧1981-2000二十年期間台灣兒童 癌症護理之相關文獻