臺灣大學: 商學研究所黃崇興俞又文Yu, Yiu-WenYiu-WenYu2013-03-252018-06-292013-03-252018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251957隨著科技的發展,電腦、網際網路、手機、行動通訊、及社群平台的普及,傳統的行銷訊息管道與媒介如報紙、電視廣告的效力受到質疑。根據台灣某零食公司的高層表示,以往公司只要在報紙或是電視上打廣告便可以立即的吸引消費者目光、增加銷售量,然而這樣的行銷效果在現在已不復見。若說青壯年、老年人口因長久以來形成的習慣,在溝通媒介的選擇與使用上較不容易產生劇變;年輕一輩的消費者如青少年、大專學生,當他們從小便習慣使用各種不同的新興媒介如社群網站時,透過較傳統的媒介例如報紙、廣播是否還能接觸到他們?以年輕消費者為目標客群的企業,又應該如何選擇有效的溝通管道與媒介? 本研究旨在探討高中及大專學生日常生活的溝通媒介與內容,以時間日記法蒐集台北市大學生與高中生的日記,接著以內容分析法進行歸類與分析。研究結果顯示,高中及大專學生的日常生活與電腦、網路、手機息息相關;且社群平台幾乎是他們的生活必需品,他們也花費許多時間與朋友互動。在傳統媒介的部份,儘管仍有一定數目的學生觀看電視節目,他們卻幾乎不購買報紙。從此結果可看出傳統媒介可能正逐漸式微。 過往曾有研究以問卷方式探討大專生的媒介使用概況(謝欣蓉,2011);然而,本研究之研究結果呈現的是高中及大專學生的日常生活概況,相較於讓受測者勾選問卷選項更具真實性。研究結果將可作為以年輕族群為目標客群之企業團體,規劃行銷活動時的參考;除此之外,本研究之研究設計與結果也可作為後續相關研究之設計基石。The prevalence of personal computer, Internet, cell phone, mobile technology, and social network websites leads to the doubt whether the traditional marketing media such as newspaper and television commercial can still effectively reach consumers. According to one manager of a snack company in Taiwan, sales volume used to immediately increase after the company put advertisement on newspaper or television. Nevertheless, the same promotion method is not useful nowadays. One may say that due to the long-built habit, choices of communication media of adult and elder population may not radically change. However, while young consumers such as teenagers or college students are surrounded with new communication media like social network websites in their early stage of life, can companies still reach young consumers through traditional media? How should those companies targeting young population plan their marketing strategies and choose the effective communication media and channel? This paper aims at exploring young consumers, especially college and high school students’, communication media and content is their daily life. Time diary method was used to collect diaries of college and high school students in Taipei City. Then, content analysis method was employed to analyze and code the data. The results indicate that college and high school students nowadays are closely connected with computers, Internet, and mobile phones. In contrast, although some students still watch television in their daily life, they rarely buy newspaper on their own. This result may imply the declining popularity of traditional communication media. Previous studies have explored the media usage of college students through questionnaire method (Hsin-Jung Hsieh, 2011). Compare to questionnaire method, this paper used qualitative method to reveal an outlook on college and high school students’ real life. Those companies which targeting young population can take the result of this study for reference when developing marketing plan. Also, this paper shed the light of future studies on investigating young students’ daily life or other related topics.884186 bytesapplication/pdfen-US內容分析法時間日記法溝通媒介溝通內容大專及高中學生Content Analysis MethodTime Diary MethodCommunication MediaCommunication ContentYoung Students探討高中及大專學生之溝通內容與媒介An Exploring Study of Contemporary Young Students’ Communicating Content and Media Channelsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251957/1/ntu-101-R99741002-1.pdf