電機資訊學院: 資訊網路與多媒體研究所指導教授: 李允中程至賢Cheng, Chih-HsienChih-HsienCheng2017-03-062018-07-052017-03-062018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275722由於科技的進步,越來越多的 IoT 相關產品出現在市場上,隨之而 來的問題也相繼浮現。大部分市面上的產品並不具有操控互通性,想 要藉由組合多種不具操控互通性的感測器產生更強大的功能是相當不 容易且花時間的。除了操控互通性的問題外,市面上有各式各樣的通 信協定,但卻沒有一種能主宰整個市場,因為每種通信協定在特定領 域都有其不可取代的優勢。因此,要出現一種能主宰市場並讓大部分 廠商都願意支援的通信協定是非常不容易的。面對這些困難,我們提 出 Interoperation 系統,希望能藉由其緩解甚至解決上述問題。我們的 系統利用程式碼產生器來產生控制感測器的程式並提供統一的 API 來 操控感測器。並且,我們的系統支援大部分市面上看得到的主流通訊 協定。因此,使用者能透過我們的系統用統一的 API 來控制各式各樣 通信協定下的感測器,我們相信這能大幅度地降低使用者組合各式各 樣感測器並產出擁有強大功能之服務的困難度。With advances in technology, more and more smart devices emerge. With the increasing number of smart devices, problems would show up gradually. Most devices in the market are not interoperable. It’s not easy to create powerful services based on various non-interoperable devices. That’s time- consuming. In addition to the interoperability, there are many protocols and every protocol would have their own advantage in the specific domain. Thus, it’s not easy to emerge a dominant protocol which most manufacturers would follow. To solve these problems, we develop the Interoperation system. Interoperation system leverages the code generator to generate the adapter code of device and provide the common interface for accessing the functionalities of the device. Thus, a client could control different kinds of devices with the same interface. Besides, Interoperation system supports various mainstream protocols. That is to say, a client can use our system to control devices of different protocols with the same interface. This makes client easier to create powerful services through device service composition.4884856 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2026/7/28論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)物聯網程式碼生成中介軟體IoTCode GenerationMiddleware以感測器本體論為基礎之半自動程式碼產生Sensor Ontology as a Basis for Generating Sensors Code in a Semi-Automatic Waythesis10.6342/NTU201601338http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275722/1/ntu-105-R03944002-1.pdf