國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所廖婉君2006-07-252018-07-062006-07-252018-07-062004-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/7975本計畫是總計劃「行動電子商務 系統關鍵技術之研發與實作」下之子計畫 五「行動電子商務系統無線通訊協定關鍵 技術之研發與實作」之第三年計畫。 在本年度的計畫中,研究主要是藉 由觀察在高密度的無線隨意網路(ad hoc network)下資料封包的傳輸行為,進而提出 一數學模型來分析其封包傳送成功的機率 分佈。我們發現在無線隨意網路中,當路 徑選擇協定(routing protocol)為flooding 時, 其封包傳輸行為相當類似我們把一顆石頭 丟入湖中所造成的連漪,而隨著連漪向外 擴展,封包也隨之到達其目的地。 為了能夠有效地分析在無線隨意網路 中行動電子商務系統資料的傳送,在考慮 許多系統參數和節點移動模型(node mobility model)的情形下,我們提出了一個 分析的數學模型來計算出其封包從出發點 到達目的地所需的跳躍數(hop count),藉由 模擬我們驗證了此數學模型的正確性。並 且也同時觀察了不同參數對於封包跳躍數 所可能造成的影響,希望藉由此分析模型, 能夠使我們在未來設計支援行動電子商務 系統的無線隨意網路時,扮演更關鍵的角 色。As a sub-project of the joint project entitled “A Mobile Electronic Commerce System,” this project, named “Wireless Network Protocols for Mobile Electronic Commerce Systems,” attempts to design wireless network protocols to enable mobile E-commerce. We will carry out this project in a three-year span. In the third year, we studied the behavior of packet forwarding in ad hoc networks with high node density and proposed a mathematical model to analyze the probability distribution of the packet transmission hop counts. We found that in wireless ad hoc networks, when the routing protocol is flooding, the behavior of packet forwarding is analogous to the ripples radiating by dropping a stone into a lake. As ripples radiate, the packet reaches the destination. To efficiently analyze the data packet transmission for mobile electronic commerce systems in wireless ad hoc networks, taking many system parameters and node mobility models, we proposed a mathematical model to calculate the hop count needed for the packet from the source to the destination and via numerical simulations, we verified the correctness of the mathematical model. Finally, based on the analytical results, we observe the impacts of different flooding schemes on the wireless ad hoc networks.application/pdf88874 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所無線隨意網路Wireless ad hoc networks行動電子商務系統無線通訊協定關鍵技術之研發與實作(III)Wireless Network Protocols for Mobile Electronic Commerce Systems (III)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/7975/1/922213E002013.pdf