2007-08-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/657201摘要:喜樹鹼是喜樹中抽取之抗癌藥劑,應用於&#63990;床如消化系統腫瘤,黑色素瘤等之治&#63937;並有部分成效。 在&#63990;床上目前已証明對&#63849;種具有很少或無化&#63937;敏感&#64001;之固體癌有顯著抗腫病活性,包括非小細胞肺癌,子宮頸癌,大腸癌。另外,它對其他具有化&#63937;敏感&#64001;之腫瘤亦有相當效果, 如&#63772;巢癌,小細胞肺癌,&#63989;巴癌。 本試驗嘗試&#63965;用組織培養方式進&#64008;微體繁殖與癒合組織的誘導,並&#63965;用HPLC進&#64008;喜樹鹼成分分析,嘗試找出高含&#63870;之組織培養苗與癒合組織,並同時進&#64008;超低溫保存之研究以達保&#63949;優&#63868;品系之目的。 <br> Abstract: Camptothecin (CPT), an extractive from the tree of joy (Camptotheca acuminata) with anti-cancer effect, which has been clinically proved partially effective on gastronomical and black mole tumors. However, the evidence of clinical thearpy for non-small cell lung cancer、cervix cancer、ovary cancer and lymph cancer can be slightly inhibited by the CPT. In this study, the micropropagation and callus induced from different parts of the tree of joy will be produced by the tissue culture method. The raw materials of CPT will be analyzed、separated and purified by HPLC. The in vitro shoots and callus from the tree of jou with higher CPT content, CPT will be screened and cultivated by the tissue culture. The techniques of cryopreservation will be used in order to obtain the in vitro shoots and callus with high CPT content.喜樹喜樹鹼組織培養超低溫保存Camptotheca acuminataCamptothecin (CPT)tissue culturecryopreservation高含量喜樹鹼之喜樹品系篩選超低溫保存研究(II)