國?臺灣大學日本語文學系Department of Japanese Language and Literature, National Taiwan University趙順文Tio, S.B.S.B.Tio2017-09-112018-05-292017-09-112018-05-292006-06http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282804本文為大學入學考試中心2005年度第二外語日語考科試題研發計畫內有關文法句型描述的部分。內容分成基礎句型與進階句型,主旨在於透過現行臺灣高中、高職現行所採用的日語教材與『日本語能力試驗 出題基準「改訂版」』三、四級所記載的有關句型內容加以探討分析,配合國人所需,嘗試擬定出一套基準,提供大考中心推出日語考科時,擬訂雙項細目以及作為文法考題出題依據。所獲結論為將句子依據名詞類、動詞類與接續助詞類整理出基礎句型190句與進階句型90句。此三大類區塊所描述的句型除句法句型外,亦包括語用句型與關鍵詞句型。以此為依據,亦可進一步分析高階的句型,此部分留待以後的研究。This paper is an extended study of a long-term project for the College Entrance Exam Center (CEEC) in 2005, which aims to develop Japanese examination questions as a second foreign language test in the college entrance examination. This paper focuses on researching sentence patterns and divides them into two parts: basic pattern and advanced pattern. We conduct a careful survey on sentence patterns from present Japanese textbooks, adopted by senior high schools and vocational technical schools, and also from Standard of question-making for Japanese Language Proficiency Test (2nd Ed.) for Level three and Level four. Our objective is to analyze those patterns, then to provide CEEC a useful standard for question-making on Japanese tests. We conclude 190 basic patterns and 90 advanced patterns, based on three categories such as noun group, verb group and conjunctive particle group. Our description includes not only grammatical pattern, but also pragmatic pattern and key-word pattern. Based on this study, an analysis of advanced sentence pattern can be highly expected and it will be our future task.495704 bytesapplication/pdf第二外語日語考科名詞類動詞類接續助詞類基礎句型進階句型Japanese tests as the second foreign language examnoun groupverb groupconjunctive particle groupbasic sentence patternadvanced sentence pattern日語基礎句型與進階句型探索A Study on Japanese Basic Sentence Pattern and Advanced Sentence Patternjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282804/1/0011_200606_5.pdf