2006-01-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/662383摘要:百合為台灣重要的花卉作物,九十二年之產值逾六億。但不少重要商業品種 在栽種過程常有上位葉病變的發生,嚴重地影響產品外觀,降低商品價值。本計 畫主持人的研究已證實東方型百合上位葉病變係因幼葉缺鈣所造成,而導致缺鈣 之生理原因為球根所貯存之鈣素不足,加上幼葉互相包被,降低了蒸散作用,進 而減少了對鈣的取得。本計畫主持人亦已發展出數種方法來控制上位葉病變的發 生,包括溫室中垂直風扇的使用、葉面施用鈣肥等。然而這些方法必須在植株的 感病期(種植後25-50天)天天持續施用。本計畫擬發展新的控制技術,利用益收 生長素以噴施或浸泡或兩者合用之方式來處理百合,於整個生長季節只施用益收 生長素1-2次,預期可改善上位葉病變的發生,大大降低成本,提高百合品質,增 加農民收益。<br> Abstract: Oriental hybrid lily is an important crop in Taiwan, grown for both cutflowers and potplants. However, many popular cultivars are susceptible to a leaf disorder, which we term it upper leaf necrosis (ULN). The disorder is characterized by necrotic tissues on upper leaves, with occasional leaf curling or distortion, resulting in reduced aesthetic appeal and consequently decreased economic value. We have demonstrated that ULN is a calcium deficiency disorder. The major physiological causes include: 1) insufficient Ca supply from the bulb scales and 2) reduced transpiration of young leaves due to leaf enclosure. Although we have developed several methods to control ULN, such as the use of fans and foliar calcium sprays, these measures need to be applied from 25 to 50 days after planting. This project is initiated to develop a novel method for controlling ULN by the use of ethephon. We expect this is an effective and labor-saving method for producing high-quality Oriental hybrid lily, and the birth of this new method will bring a higher profit to the growers.東方型百合上位葉病變缺鈣病變益收生長素Oriental hybrid lilyupper leaf necrosiscalcium deficiency disorderethephon利用益收生長素生產高品質東方型百合