國立台灣大學日本語文學系陳明姿2017-09-112018-05-292017-09-112018-05-292012-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282756中國的六朝及唐代小說中有各式各樣的鬼出現,當中有惱人的鬼、有殺人的鬼,也有拘引錯人的鬼,然而並非所有的鬼都會加害於人,也有會「救人性命的鬼」。只是鬼並非無條件、無理由的救人性命,因此出現於六朝小說及唐代小說的這類型的鬼非常多采多姿、饒富趣味,而這類型的故事又在中日兩國頻繁的交流之下傳至日本、影響及日本的說話文學。《今昔物語集》的震旦部卷九「侍御史遜?璞,依冥土使錯從途歸語。第三十二」便是改寫至《冥報記》中卷二十的孫迴璞的故事。震旦部之外,本朝部裏也有「救人性命的鬼」類型的故事。 探討《今昔物語集》裡這類型的故事與中國的六朝小說、唐代小說有何關連及異同,應有助於了解兩國文學關連及異同。因此,小稿特別聚集於考察《今昔物語集》與六朝小說、唐代小說裡的該類型故事之關連及異同,希冀能進一步瞭解兩文學的關連及異同。In tales of Six Dynasties and The Tang Dynasty, we encounter many characters of ghosts. Some cause trouble, others disturb human beings and kill them, while still others take human beings away by force. However, not all ghosts hold hostility towards human beings. There are some who help human beings, though always with a reason or condition. Ghosts come in such a great number of different types in tales of Six Dynasties and The Tang Dynasty that they can always arouse readers’ interest. Owing to the constant interaction between China and Japan, Chinese tales spread to Japan later and further influence Setsuwa, one of the genres in Japanese literature. For example, the 32th story in Vol. 9 of Shinntanbu was written based on the story of Sonnkeiboku in Vol. 20 of Meihouki. Besides Shintanbu, we also read in Hochoubu some tales in which ghosts come to human beings’ assistance. We can see how Chinese literature interacts with Japanese literature by exploring the similarity and the difference between tales of “Konnjakumonogatarishuu”, in Six Dynasties and in The Tang Dynasty. Therefore, in the thesis I would like to focus on the tales in which ghosts help human beings, in order to discover how tales of Chinese literature and Japanese literature are related to each other.1250871 bytesapplication/pdf賄賂、道德、恩義、佛教、人情味『人間を助ける鬼』の類型説話について-中国の古代小説と『今昔物語集』を中心にして― = 「救人性命的鬼」類型故事―以中國古代的小說與《今昔物語集》為主―Tales in Which Ghosts Help Human Beings: Focusing on “Konnjakumonogatarishuu” and Chinese Ancient Storiesjournal article10.6183/ntujp.2012.24.1http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282756/1/0024_201212_1.pdf