2004-06-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/681277摘要:隨著資訊用顯示器及平面電視應用需求擴大,我國大型TFT-LCD面板出貨量持續增高,且平均單價(ASP)也持續上揚。液晶顯示廠商快速、大量的投資設廠,其產量與產值也隨著市場需求而大幅成長。面對如此快速的成長,使得影像顯示產業所需的人才大量缺乏,而以其中10%~15%的中高階碩、博士級人力需求估算,到2006年中、高階人才需求將達到數千人。 為因應短期內業界急需的中高階人才,本計劃配合政府培育影像顯示科技人才政策,於短期內訓練相關廠商所需人才,以台灣大學工學院為主,結合工學院相關科系、光機電工程教學資源中心、及八所北東區學術單位之相關軟體資源,建立人才培育網絡,期望能於最短的時間內訓練大量品質優秀的影像顯示科技設備與材料領域人才。本中心的主要目標為 1.培育影像顯示科技前瞻性人才, 2.規劃北東區影像人才培育創意展示中心, 3.影像顯示科技產學資源整合, 4.顯示科技光機電種子教師培育。 <br> Abstract: Due to the huge demand of TFT-LCD panel in the world market, the FPD (Flat Panel Display) related industries were flourishing in recent years. However, the problem accompanied with the booming of the FPD industries is the shortage of human resources. Based on statistical estimation, the needs of master and doctoral personnel will reach several thousands in 2006. To speed up the training of high-level manpower for Taiwan’s display industry, a mission-oriented training program has been conducted by the North and East FPD Education Resource Center at National Taiwan University. The purpose of this project is to coordinate the policy of the manpower development for image display technologies and to offer the training courses for the FPD related industries in short term. The North and East FPD Education Resource Center is based on the College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, and takes strategic alliance with eight other universities in the northern and eastern Taiwan. Moreover, the teaching resources are integrated to establish the professional manpower network to foster a large enough amount of the outstanding professional manpower in the area of equipment and materials for image display technologies. The principal targets of this center are four folds: 1. professional manpower development in advanced FPD technologies, 2. establishment of the image display technology demonstration center, 3. integration of industry and academia resources, 4. faculty development for image display technologies.平面顯示器人才培育種子師資FPDTFTLCDmanpower development影像顯示科技人才培育計畫-北東地區影像顯示科技設備與材料人才培育中心