2011-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/694543摘要: (一)掌握全球亞熱帶農作物及國際重要疫情,適時將高風險有害生物列入檢疫規定或列入監測對象,並可預擬新入侵有害生物之管理對策。 (二) 對於存有國際性檢疫有害生物之亞熱帶地區及農作物,我國可據此針對疫區寄主作物設定限制,另可評估國內是否有生產此類作物的有利環境,創造我國農產品的外銷空間,提升農業經濟收益。 (三)完備我國永續性農作物有害生物預警制度所需之基礎資訊,並期使本資料庫成為全球亞熱帶農作物有害生物的資訊中心,未來亦可針對歐、美、日本、紐、澳等農業發達地區或國家,進行有害生物資料庫的情報交換,據以建立一個國際級的農業有害生物資訊網。 (四)開放通識性質之農作物有害生物資料供一般民眾查詢,除提高本系統之應用價值外,更可提升國民之植物保護相關知識,期能進一步達成「全民防疫,專業檢疫」之目標。 (五)建立「植物保護知識線上學習平台」,除可提供資料庫之植物保護資訊並促進知識交流外,另擬含括具終身學習功能之線上教學數位課程、田間實習課程及其內容數位化,建立即時、線上或遠端諮詢系統,提供植物保護人員診斷服務。<br> Abstract: (A) master the world&apos;s subtropical crops and outbreaks of international importance, high risk of harmful organisms included in the quarantine regulations in due time or included in the monitoring objects, and proposed a new invasive pest management strategies. (B) there is a subtropical areas of international quarantine pest and crop, for host plants of SARS in China restrictions, can also assess whether the national enabling environment for production of these crops, creation of export of agricultural products space, promotion of agricultural economic benefits. (C) the complete sustainability of crop pests in China base information needed for the early warning system, and make this database as the world&apos;s tropical and subtropical crops pest management information center, also in the future for Europe, the United States, Japan, New Zealand and Australia and agriculture in developed regions or countries, pest database for information exchange on which to build a world-class network of agricultural pest information. (D) open crop pests in the general character of the data available to the general public enquiries, in addition to improving value outside of this system, but also knowledge about upgrading national plant protection, further "universal immunization, specializing in quarantine" goal. (E) The establishment of "plant protection knowledge online-learning platform", in addition to providing a database of plant conservation information and to promote the sharing of knowledge, it intends to include lifelong learning curriculum and teaching digital online courses and practice in the field of digital content, build in real time, online or remote consulting system, plant protection staff provided diagnostic services.亞熱帶植物防檢疫資料庫研究平台subtropicsPlant Protection and PhytosanitarydatabaseResearcher建置全球亞熱帶農作物重要有害生物資料庫查詢系統