2012-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/670730摘要:本計畫以「法律規範性的來源」為題,嘗試針對法律的規範性要求是否來自於道德 理由的爭議,進行為期三年的研究。本研究將整體審視兩種重要的法規範性來源觀: 非道德解讀觀點與道德解讀觀點,前者以哈特(H.L.A. Hart)的承認規則論述與拉茲 (Joseph Raz)的法律權威論述為代表,後者則以德沃金(Ronald Dworkin)與席蒙茲 (Nigel Simmonds)的合法性價值論述為代表。依此,本計畫擬逐年討論三個彼此相關 的重要議題:1. 藉由分析晚近兩種對於承認規則的不同詮釋,檢討哈特的承認規則論 述,也就是主張承認規則是一種慣例規則的看法,能否支持非道德解讀的法規範性來 源觀;2..審視拉茲提出法律作為排他行動理由與服務權威的論點,能否證成法律與道 德之間確實存在實踐上的差異,進而說明法律的規範性要求並非來自道德上的理由; 3.考察德沃金與席蒙茲以合法性價值為核心論旨的道德解讀觀點,是否能有力反駁哈特 與拉茲的非道德解讀論述,同時也深入反思合法性價值的核心內涵,究竟是自由或者 平等的政治道德價值。<br> Abstract: The main theme of this project aims to explore ‘the Sources of Law’s Normatvity’. It attempts to investigate an important issue of jurisprudence in the following three years, i.e., whether the normativity of law derives its resources from moral reasons. Two leading accounts will be carefully reviewed in my study: the non-moral reading and the moral reading. Hart’s rule of recognition argument and Raz’s legal authority argument both support the non-moral reading on the sources of legal normativity. On the other hand, the argument from the value of legality defended by Dworkin and Simmonds respectively endorses the moral reading. Accordingly, this project intends to discuss three mutually related issues. Firstly, it will review Hart’s conventionlist account of the rule of recognition by a thorough analysis of two different interpretations, and try to examine whether Hart’s argument is able to maintain the non-moral reading. Secondly, the study continues to scrutinize another important version of the non-moral account, that is, the Razian argument that law as an exclusionary reason for action and as a service conception of authority does make some practical difference in which law does not derive its normative claim from morality. Finally, I shall focus my study on the legality arguments proposed by Dworkin and Simmonds to examine whether they successfully repudiate the non-moral reading, and also try to explore which value, liberty or equality, constitutes the central value of legality.法律規範性道德解讀非道德解讀承認規則慣例規則法律權威排the normativity of lawthe moral readingthe non-moral readingrule of法律規範性的來源(3/3)