2004-01-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/663265摘要:唾液酸是指含乙醯化神經胺糖酸(n-acetylneuramic acid, Nneu5Ac)的一系列物質之總稱,是一種存在於動物細胞內的物質,近年來許多有關唾液酸的研究均指出其在人體生理上扮演非常重要的角色,包括具有阻礙病原體附著在細胞上以及使細胞産生免疫抗體的作用,因而可作為調節細胞之生化功能,扺抗一些傳染作用的口服藥劑成分。又母體初乳中的唾液酸連接於特定蛋白質上,被認為可爲嬰兒早期生長提供免疫力,同時具有提高腸道對於維生素及礦物質的吸收能力。在臨床應用上,唾液酸之衍生物--單唾液酸四已糖神經節苷脂(ganglioside, GM1)則主要用於治療中樞神經系統病變,包括腦創傷、脊髓創傷、腦血管意外、帕金森氏病等。但唾液酸在自然界中來源有限,一般存在於珍貴的中式藥材中,例如燕巢(silky fowl nest)—燕窩、鹿絨等。近年來許多研究指出,在禽類的蛋中也存在有唾液酸及其寡醣,其中雞蛋蛋白的繫帶及蛋黃膜含有豐富的唾液酸,可以用來工業化生產,分離純化之唾液酸則可以作為保健食品或藥品之原料及中間體。 近年來,因應我國加入WTO及提昇國內雞蛋產<br> Abstract: Sialic acids, a serious of N-acetylneuramic acids, Neu5Ac, have been recently reported having very important physiological functions in human health, such as defensing effects on pathogens, improvements in immune system and intestinal mineral absorption. It has been reported that egg chalaza and vitelline membrane, the by products of liquid egg productions, are rich in sialic acids and sialyoligosaccharides. The isolation of these functional ingredients has also been reported successful on an industrial scale. Recently, several liquid egg manufacturers are established under the governmental supporting in Taiwan. In order to increase the value-added of liquid egg products and provide healthy foods for people with reasonable cost, the development of functional egg beverages, in which containing sialic acids or sialyloligosaccharides, by using by-products of liquid egg productions is a good choice. Therefore, the two main purposes of this project are (1) to develop the functional egg beverages that are rich in sialic acids or sialyloligosaccharides, and (2) to isolate sialic acids or sialyloligosaccharides as glyconutrient supplements by using the by products from liquid egg productions.唾液酸唾液酸寡醣蛋白繫帶蛋黃膜機能性蛋飲料sialic acidsialyloligosaccharideschalazavitelline membranefunctional egg beverages液蛋副產物之機能性蛋白飲料開發及唾液酸寡糖之分離純化