2004-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684621摘要:在本計劃中將建立西尼羅病毒核酸檢測方法標準作業程序。主持人並將赴美西尼羅病毒診斷實驗室學習標準診斷方法。西尼羅病毒診斷實驗室之建立將可協助國內檢疫與防疫單位進行WNV之檢測與監測,減少WNV傳播入境之危險。<br> Abstract: West Nile Virus nucleic acid detection methods such as RT-PCR, RT-nested PCR, fluorogenic 5 nuclease techniques (real-time PCR) or nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) will be setup and evaluated. The principal researcher from National Taiwan University will visit the Ohio State Animal Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory, Ohio Department of Agriculture and the Vector-borne Disease Laboratory, Ohio Department of Health. The principal researcher will be involved in the routine diagnostic works on the field WNV infection cases and learn all the related diagnostic techniques. It is expected to establish a competent West Nile Virus diagnosis laboratory at NTU to serve the needs for the diagnosis and monitoring the WNV infections in Taiwan. This completion of this project will benefit to the health of both peoples and animals in Taiwan.西尼羅病毒西尼羅病毒核酸檢測標準作業程序West Nile VirusDetection of WNV nucleic acidstandard operation procedure西尼羅病毒腦炎之檢疫與檢驗技術研究