2012-01-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/646225摘要:農藥的施用範圍包含了農作物生產、雜草的控制以及消除對公共健康有害之生物。農藥施用後可經由雨水沖刷或空氣沈降至河川、地下水及土壤等環境中,故其對於水中生物或人體健康的影響值得關注。本團隊去年度(100年度)已完成開發分析水中有機磷類(27種)、氨基甲酸鹽類(16種)、合成除蟲菊精類(7種)等三大類共50種殺蟲劑之方法,並據以分析一座水庫、一座淨水廠、一座生活污水廠、18個台灣雲嘉南地區河川、以及計畫委託單位給予之7個水樣,共31個樣本。本團隊本年度根據農藥毒性、行政院農業委員會農藥原體之使用量資料、環保署公告之檢測方法與管制項目等新增本年度化合物,包括17個殺蟲劑、7個殺菌劑、30個除草劑、1個殺蟎劑、1個殺線蟲劑、1個植物生長調節劑與2個其他類別化合物,開發以液相層析-質譜/質譜(LC-MS/MS)偵測水體中共108種化合物之分析方法。水樣預計以Atlantic HLB (47 mm)固相萃取圓盤搭配SPE-DEX 4790全自動固相萃取系統萃取,利用減壓濃縮裝置濃縮沖提液並經Samplicity filtration system過濾後,以極致液相層析儀(ultra-performance liquid chromatography, UPLC) 搭配串聯式質譜儀以電灑游離 (ESI) 方式分析。層析管柱於正電荷離子預計使用Phenomenex Kinetex PFP (50 × 2.1 mm, 2.6 μm),負電荷則為Supelco Ascentis Express C18 (50 × 2.1 mm, 2.7 μm),此兩種超高效能層析管柱可運用於一般傳統之液相層析儀。本年度預計之採樣地點為翡翠水庫、台北長興淨水廠與內湖生活污水處理廠、以及雲嘉南主要河川北港溪(中度到嚴重污染)、八掌溪(稍受污染到中度污染)、及鹽水溪(稍受污染到嚴重污染)之重要支流以及其本流,共計24件實際水樣,以驗證分析方法之適用性,並提出調查分析報告,瞭解108種農藥於該類水體的殘留。 <br> Abstract: Pesticides are widely used on agricultural production, herb control, and eliminate pests. Pesticides can be run off or through wet deposition by rain then into rivers, groundwater, and soil after their applications; consequently, they cause concerns on human health and the adverse effects on aquatic creatures.In the previous year, we have developed and validated a method to analyze 50 pesticides in water, including 27 organophosphates, 16 carbamates, and seven pyrethroids. This method was applied to measure the concentrations of 31 samples, which were from a reservoir, a drinking water treatment plant, a sewage treatment plant, and 18 samples from the rivers of Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan, plus seven drinking water samples from the National Institute of Environmental Analysis. In terms of the targeted chemicals this year, we considered screening factors of toxicities, used amount, regulatory items, compounds in standard methods, and so on, and then added 17 pesticides, seven fungicides, 30 herbicides, one acaricide, one nematocide, one plant growth regulator, and two other pesticides, in the total of 108 pesticides in this year, with the analysis of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). Waters samples will be processed with solid-phase extraction on Atlantic HLB disks using SPE-DEX 4790 automated extractors; the eluent will be concentrated with SpeedVac and filtrated with Samplicity filtration system before injecting the UHPLC-MS/MS with electrospray ionization (ESI). A phenomenex Kinetex PFP column (50 × 2.1 mm, 2.6 μm) and a Supelco Ascentis Express C18 column (50 × 2.1 mm, 2.7 μm) will be utilized for separating compounds forming positive and negative ions on ESI, respectively. They are fused-core columns, and can be used with conventional high-performance liquid chromatography instruments. The developed method will be used to determine the concentrations of the 108 pesticides in water samples from Feitsui reservoir, Neihu sewage treatment plant, and 24 river water samples from Beigeng River, Bajhang River, and Yenshui River for method validation and applications.農藥液相層析串聯式質譜儀固相萃取飲用水表面水PesticidesLC-MS/MSSolid-phase extractionDrinking waterSurface waterThe establishment of trace analytical methods for organics in water(2/2).