國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系暨研究所吳文哲2006-07-252018-06-292006-07-252018-06-292001http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/12561(一) 形態測量學於潛蠅科昆蟲系統分類之應用 傳統分類部份持續整理台灣地區名錄,蒐集台灣產潛蠅科種類並重新描述及提供較為詳盡之特徵繪圖;並持續去年之研究以相對扭曲(Relative warp)定序法或聚類分析以潛蠅翅脈為主作系統學或進化學等相關推論。本年度主要以分析潛蠅科系統學關係為主要工作內容;初步完成包括 潛蠅亞科及植潛蠅亞科之系統發育關係樹形圖。潛蠅亞科之屬間親緣關係一般較為穩定,確立了Agromyza 及Japanagromyza兩屬在亞科中之特異地位,亦說明了此群 相對為此亞科中一比較不同的進化路徑。而植潛蠅亞科則並不如潛蠅亞科所具有之科內高一致性。許多較長的分支都分布於樹型末端之分類群,顯示有不少高度特化的屬在進化過程中產生。植潛蠅亞科其範圍及界定的分類適切性值得再作考量。研究中分別以內群及外群作分析比較可以比較清楚瞭解科或亞科內之屬間關係;並將各樹形圖與先前完成之各個形態學或形態測量學假說相互對照討論。結果顯示潛蠅科高階分類仍存在許多的疑點;特別如亞科及屬群的界定等。而結果中幾乎沒有一個特徵轉變能完整表達樹型圖的資訊,這種情況除了代表此科之複雜進化路徑外,也說明分類上使用多重特徵的必要性。 (二) 台灣產花天牛亞科之研究 完成台灣花天牛亞科之分類體系:包括新種之發表、屬級之檢討及名錄之重新校訂。台灣花天牛亞科之分布及成蟲食性之確認。推論中國西南(四川、雲南、貴州)可能為另一姬花天牛地理分布中心,台灣的姬花天牛的祖先極有可能發源於此。物種間親緣關係(phylogeny)的探討是當代分類學領域中的熱門課題,不同物種間協同進化(coevolution)機制亦為進化生物學者(evolutionary biologist)所關切的現象,生物地理學(biogeography) 更為系統分類學(systematics)及進化生物學共同重視的問題,而如何善用本土昆蟲資源,進行系統生物學(systematic biology)的相關研究更是當務之急。花天牛亞科的特性正符合以其為材料從事系統生物學之各項重要研究。1. Morphometric applications on systematic studies of Agromyzidae (Diptera) In traditional taxonomic aspect, we continue collecting Taiwanese agromyzid species, re-describing them and providing character illustrations in greater detail. In morphometric aspect, we continue using relative warp data of wing venation in ordination and cluster analysis for systematic and evolutionary inferences. In this year, we focus mainly on the studies of phylogeny 2 of Agromyzidae. The preliminary results show the inter-genera relationships in those reconstructed phylogenetic trees. Among them, the genera within subfamily Agromyzinae stably present their relationships; and we ensured the unique and special status of genus Agromyza and Japanagromyza ; this also indicated that this special genus group probably have much more different evolutionary pathway compared with other groups in this subfamily. In contrast to the stable inter-genera relationships, subfamily Phytomyzinae presents the more complex results. Some branches with more character changed happened on the terminal ends of the trees. This indicates that some highly specialized genera just evolved recently. According to the preliminary results, we proposed that the reevaluation of taxonomic divisions and their adequacy of subfamily Phytomyzinae are needed. In our studies, both ingroup and outgroup comparisons are included to analyze and to clarify the inter-genera relationships. Furthermore, all of the phylogenetic relationships were compared with our previous evolutionary hypothesis based on traditional or morphometric data. However, there still have lots of questions unresolved, especially the divisions and their boundaries in higher categories, even for the status of subfamilies or genus groups. We also found no single character can truthfully reflect the information appeared on the trees. This implied using multi-characters in taxonomic applications is necessary. 2. Taxonomy of Lepturinae from Taiwan The traditional taxonomy of Lepturinae in our work including the revisions, the checklist, and the descriptions of new species and new records; meanwhile, the geographic distribution and their possible visiting plants are also noted. We thought the southwest China is the most possible distribution origin of the genus Pidonia ; and combination of the knowledge of the biogeography and the food plant in Taiwan will help us to explore the origin of Taiwanese Lepturinae. Recently, the mechanisms of coevolution, biogeography and evolutionary biology are more and more important and frequently emphasized for the taxonomic workers, especially in discussing the problems of phylogeny. We believe the Lepturinae can be treated as a significant material for such researches.application/pdf90855 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學昆蟲學系暨研究所形態測量學系統分類學潛蠅科雙翅目花天牛亞科天牛科鞘翅目MorphometricsSystematicsAgromyzidaeDipteraLepturinaeCerambycidaeColeoptera(1)形態測量學於潛蠅科昆蟲系統分類之應用(2)臺灣產花天牛亞科分類研究(2/2)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/12561/1/892313B002218.pdf