指導教授:陳彥仰臺灣大學:資訊網路與多媒體研究所王偉翰Wang, Wei-HanWei-HanWang2014-11-292018-07-052014-11-292018-07-052014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/263470在網路快速發展之下,數以百萬計的人透過網路分享照片,撰寫網誌,或是與其他人遊玩遊戲。然而,語言仍然阻礙了人們聯繫、社交以及合作。 為了了解語言障礙對於合作遊戲體驗的影響,我們進行了一個12人的使用者測試,透過使用者遊玩三款知名的合作遊戲,我們得到的結果是,無共通語言的受測者遊玩體驗獲得了較高的挫折感以及較低的遊戲樂趣。因此我的提出透過肢體語言來跨越合作遊戲中的語言障礙,我們的系統使用了Kinect來偵測使用者的姿勢並對應到遊戲中的虛擬角色。共48位使用者參與了我們遊戲原型的使用者測試,我們發現了肢體語言可以提升遊戲樂趣以及降低挫折感,並加強合作體驗,尤其對於無共通語言的使用者來說效果更是明顯。此外,有79%的受測者偏好有肢體語言的溝通方式。The rapid growth of the Internet has enabled billions of people to share photos, to blog, and to play games with each other. However, languages remain a barrier for people to connect, socialize, and cooperate around the world. We conducted a 12-person user study to understand how language barriers affect cooperative experiences through 3 popular cooperative games. Results showed that participants without common languages rated their experience as significantly more frustrating and less fun. We propose using body language to transcend language barriers for cooperative games. Our system, BodyTalk, uses Kinect sensors to track users'' postures and share them as avatars in real-time with other users over the Internet. Our 48-person user study using our prototype game showed that cooperative experience with body language was more fun and less frustrating, and co-experience was improved for all participants, especially for those without common languages. Also, 79% of the participants preferred having body language communication.口試委員會審定書 II 誌謝 III 摘要 Iv Abstract v 1 Introduction 1 2 Related Work 4 2.1 Cooperative Game Design 4 2.2 Body Language 5 3 Cross-Language Experience for Current Cooperative Games 6 3.1 Study Design 6 3.2 Results 7 3.3 Discussion 8 4 BodyTalk Platform and Game Design 10 4.1 System Design and Implementation 11 4.2 Game Stage Design 11 5 User Study 14 5.1 Study Design and Participants 14 5.2 Short Feedback Questionnaire (eSFQ) Results 15 5.2.1 Fun/Enjoyment Ratings 15 5.2.2 Positive and Negative Co-experience 16 5.3 Cooperative Performance Metrics (CPM) Results 18 5.4 Final Questionnaire Results 20 6 Discussion 22 6.1 Consistency in Game Experience 22 6.2 Communication Patterns 23 6.2.1 Speaking 23 6.2.2 Body Language 24 6.2.3 Both Speaking and Body Language 24 6.3 Player Feedback 26 6.4 System Limitation 26 7 Conclusion 28 Bibliography 2912555994 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間:2014/08/08論文使用權限:同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)合作遊戲肢體語言遊戲設計溝通語言障礙人機互動肢體談話:使用肢體語言溝通的網路合作遊戲設計BodyTalk: Using Body Language Communication in Online Cooperative Gamesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/263470/1/ntu-103-R01944015-1.pdf