2010-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/700590摘要:民國88年刑法修正時,關於性犯罪的刑法條文作了大幅度的變動。修正後的強制性交罪,刪除「使被害人不能抗拒」的要件,改成只要違反被害人的意願,就可以成立犯罪。這樣的修正方向,是為了避免過去強制性交罪的成立要件過於嚴格。舊刑法規定,犯罪人一定要使用強暴、脅迫、恐嚇、催眠術等方法,且被害人達到「不能抗拒」程度,才能構成強制性交罪,因此只要犯罪人的強制手段不夠「暴力」,或是被害人沒有「抵死反抗」,往往會認為不成立強制性交罪。修正後的條文規定,行為人只要違反被害人的意願,不管使用何種方法手段,都成立強制性交罪。 修正後的規定,雖然對於被害人的保護較為周全,但仍然免不了有許多問題。例如對他人為瞬間、暫時的身體碰觸行為,如摸臀、襲胸,究竟應構成強制猥褻行為還是性騷擾行為?又幼童出於恐懼而不敢反抗,任由繼父撫摸身體與性侵害,應成立強制性交罪還是利用權勢性交罪? 德國刑法在1998年修正之前,強制性交罪的成立,也必須以犯罪人使用強暴、脅迫手段為必要。這樣的要件,使得許許多多違反被害人意願的性侵害行為,均無法判犯罪人有罪。例如被害人因為恐懼而放棄反抗;行為人製造壓迫性情境使被害人無法反抗;行為人將被害人帶到求助無援之處而性侵害等情形。在修法過程中,也有人曾經倡議改以「違反被害人意願」作為強制性交罪的要件。最後經協商妥協後制訂出來的條文,是在強暴、脅迫兩種態樣之外,增訂第三種態樣,亦即「被害人因行為人的行為而陷於無法自我保護的狀態」。 德國在1998年修正的性犯罪刑法條文,本來是試圖填補原來規定的不足。但也造成強制性交罪、乘機性交罪(趁被害人無力反抗之際而性侵害)與權勢性交罪三者間區分上的困擾。此情形就如同我國目前性犯罪刑法條文在適用上與解釋上所面臨的難題一樣。 本研究計畫是一個比較法的研究,預定進行三年。第一年研究主題為「德國刑法上強制性交猥褻罪與乘機性交猥褻罪之研究」;第二年的研究主題為「權勢性交罪之立法論與解釋論之研究」;第三年計畫主題為「性犯罪與妨害風化罪之再區別」 本計畫除了將以體系化的方式,深入研究德國性犯罪的刑法條文,並希望能將德國刑法相關法規與理論的研究成果,作為我國日後性犯罪刑法條文的解釋與修法方向。 <br> Abstract: In 1999, when the Criminal Law was amended, the articles relevant to sex crimes were substantially changed. In the amendment on crimes concerning forcible sexual intercourse, the essential condition of “making victims unable to resist” was deleted and amended to the “violation of victims’ will.” The amendment was to avoid the unduly strict conditions for the conviction of a forcible sexual intercourse crime. According to the regulations of the old criminal law, the crime can be viewed as a forcible sexual intercourse crime only when offender rapes, threatens, intimidates, or hypnotizes victims, and the victims are “unable to resist.” Therefore, as long as the means of offenders are not “violent” enough or victims fail to “fight and resist with life,” the crime would be acquitted for forcible sex intercourse crime. However, according to the amended articles, as long as the offenders violate victims’ will, regardless the means they adopted, the crime would be found as a forcible sexual intercourse crime. Although the amended articles can better protect the victims, there are still many problems. For example, whether the instant or temporal act of physical touch, such as touching buttocks and chest, should be viewed as forcible indecency or sexual harassment? In addition, if a child lets his/her stepfather touch his/her body or commit sexual assault, should the crime be viewed as a forcible sexual intercourse crime or a sex crime due to the abuse of power? Before the German Criminal Law was amended in 1998, the essential conditions for a forcible sexual intercourse crime are the offenders’ utilization of means, such as rape and threat. These essential conditions made the offenders of many sexual assaults to be acquitted. For example, the victims give up fighting and resisting due to fear, offenders create coercive situation to make victims unable to resist, and offenders take victims to an isolated place to make them helpless and commit sexual assaults. During the process of amendment, some suggested that the essential conditions for a forcible sexual intercourse crime should be “violation of victims’ will.” In the end, in addition to circumstances, such as rape and threat, the amended articles included the third circumstance, “The victims fail to protect themselves due to the behaviors of the offenders.” The articles in the German Criminal Law for sex crimes, amended in 1998, intended to supplement the original articles. However, these articles also made it difficult to distinguish three sex crimes, forcible sexual intercourse crime, sexual intercourse crime due to taking advantage of an opportunity, and sexual intercourse crime due to abuse of power. This situation is exactly like the predicaments that current criminal law articles for sex crimes in Taiwan have faced in application and interpretation. The study is a comparative study. In addition to using systemic method to probe into the articles of the German Criminal Law on sex crimes, it is hoped that the research results from relevant articles and theories of the German Criminal Law can be used for explaining and amending the criminal law articles for sex crimes in Taiwan in the future.強制性交強制猥褻乘機性交權勢性交性騷擾German criminal law for sex crimesviolation of victims’ willforcible sexual intercoursesexual harassment德國性犯罪刑法之研究