張照夫2006-07-262018-07-092006-07-262018-07-091998http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/28661為了解豬瘟沙氏桿菌( Salmonella choleraesuis) 之攝鐵機制,本計畫對台灣地 區養豬場臨床病例分離之10 株S. choleraesuis,進行Chrome azurol S (CAS) 培養基分析,結果顯示在限鐵環境下這些菌 株均有產生螯鐵蛋白(siderophore) 之能 力。再將這些菌株進行bioassay,結果顯示 均可產生catechol 類的螯鐵蛋白,但無法 產生hydroxamate 類的螯鐵蛋白。而利用 Fur Titration Assay (FURTA) 方式,選殖出 了32 個clones,其中已確定15 個clones 之質體具有Fur-box 同源性序列;8 個 clones 具有攝鐵相關基因。To understand the iron utilizing mechanism of Salmonella choleraesuis, we chose ten strains of S. choleraesuis isolated from clinically affected swine farms in Taiwan, and proceeded with Chrom Azurol S (CAS) plate assay. The result of CAS plate assay showed that all these strains were available to produce siderophores on condition that iron was restricted. Furthermore, the result of bioassay showed that all the ten isolates could produce catechol siderophores, but not hydroxamate siderophores. Using Fur Titration Assay (FURTA), we found 32 FURTA positive clones. Fifteen plasmids of these clones had Fur-box homologous regions, and eight clones had iron-uptake genes or iron-regulated genes.application/pdf36434 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學獸醫學系暨研究所豬瘟沙氏桿菌鐵螯鐵蛋白攝 鐵基因鐵調節基因CASFURTASalmonella choleraesuisironsiderophoreiron-uptake genesironregulated genes[SDGs]SDG3行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告:鐵分與沙門氏菌毒性之表現reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/28661/1/872313B002082.pdf