2011-04-162024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/659567摘要:改良畜禽動物的生產性能及降低生產成本,一直是畜產界的研究目標,除了在育種、營養及飼養管理方面,更發展出許多可以在短時間內達到目標的方法。外源性促進劑(exogenous promoter)的添加尤其普遍:如豬的生長激素(porcine somatotropin, pST)、乙型受體促效劑 (beta receptor agonist)及抗促性腺激素釋放因子(gonadotrophin–releasing factor, GnRF )的疫苗等是常用來提高肉豬生長性能的藥物;在調控母豬繁殖性能表現上,常用的則是外源性的生殖激素(exogenous gonadotropin)如催產素(oxytocin)、黃體素(progesterone)、PGF2α、PMSG(或eCG)、hCG等。 這些藥物除了可以提高動物的生產性能外,同時也是方便生產者管理豬群的工具。好處是可以花較少的成本而得到更高之生產效益,但也相對地擾亂了豬隻正常的生理及行為。這可能是因為生產性能是評定育種價值的項目之ㄧ,外源性促進劑的添加可能會干擾動物育種者,以致其種畜選拔錯誤,對國家的整體育種體系為一損害,且育種成本亦隨之增高。本研究計畫旨在探討外源性促進劑的添加對豬隻之正負面效果、對人類的影響,以及其對台灣地區豬隻育種選拔制度上之影響。<br> Abstract: Improving production performance and reducing production costs in livestock have been the important goals of research in animal industries. Besides breeding, nutrition and management aspects, there are many methods developed to achieve those goals in relatively short time. The aids from exogenous promoters are very common in some developed and developing countries: such as porcine somatotropin, beta receptor agonist, and gonadotrophin-releasing factor vaccine have been used to increase growth performance in commercial pigs; several exogenous gonadotropin have been regularly used in controlling sow reproductive performance, such as oxytocin, progesterone, PGF2α、PMSG (or eCG)、hCG, etc. But, adding those exogenous additives might interrupt animal breeders in their decisions of selecting superior animals based on the production performance and breeding value. Such interruption might cause mistakes in the selection production in a herd as well as national breeding system. Thus, our study is going to investigate adding exogenous promoters into feeds of pigs would cause certain positive and/or negative effects to animals and consumers, and the influence of these promoters on the swine genetic improvement program.外源性促進劑生長繁殖表現調控豬隻Exogenous promoterRegulations of growth and reproductive performancePigs豬隻育種、生產技術及品質改進-豬隻生長及繁殖促進藥物的效果及規範之調查計畫