章良渭2006-07-262018-06-292006-07-262018-06-292005-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/22389Spinal flexibility has been used by clinicians in various medical procedures; clinicians usually misapprehend the concept of flexibility by examining patient’s “deflexibility”. The objective of this research was to determine spinal flexibility through the investigation of its relation to other patient parameters, such as growth factors, curve pattern, curve apex and curve magnitude. Ten adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) subjects were recruited. A measuring device was designed such that the corrective force could be recorded. Spinal orthoses were fabricated according to their molds and the in brace curve corrections were evaluated by their radiographs. Spinal flexibility was determined by correlation analysis of the patient parameters. The orthotic treatment prognosis was also predicted and would guide clinicians and patients to make right decisions and treatment plans.臨床人員運用各種醫學方法量測脊柱的柔軟度;但臨床人員常將柔軟度誤解 為病人在檢驗時所能抵抗彎曲的能力。本研究的目的是藉由研究人體參數之間的 關係歸納而得脊柱的柔軟度,如影響成長的因子、脊柱曲線型態、曲線頂點位置 與大小。本研究有十位青年型自發性脊柱側彎的受試者參與。本研究設計一組儀 器以量測矯正力量的大小。臨床人員會依照取模後的石膏模型製作矯正背架,且 依據病人穿戴矯正背架後的x 光片評估矯正的效果。脊柱的柔軟度可以藉由分析 人體參數之間的關係歸納而得。本研究結果可用來預測矯正背架治療的預後且提 供臨床人員和病人決定適合的治療計畫。application/pdf143438 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學醫學工程學研究所adolescent idiopathic scoliosisspine flexibilityorthotic treatment青年型自發性脊柱側彎脊柱柔軟度矯正背架治療青年型自發性脊柱側彎之脊柱柔軟度的量化分析Quantitative Determination of Spine Flexibility for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosisreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/22389/1/922218E002040.pdf