2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714883The Department of Public Health (DPH) at National Taiwan University was founded in 1972 as the pioneer of its kind in Taiwan. Unlike the developmental process commonly seen in other departments in which an undergraduate program is first formed and then a graduate program eventually follows, the DPH was set-up two decades after the Graduate Institute of Public Health, which was established in 1951 by renaming and reorganizing the Institute of Tropical Medicine, founded during the Japanese Colonial Period. In essence, the department and the institute were deemed a two-in-one organization in the first two decades after the inception of the DPH. In 1993, the DPH and two other institutes were separated from CPH of Medicine to become the first College of Public Health (CPH) in the nation, with a matrix organizational structure of One College-One Department-Multiple Institutes. In 2005, a new CPH building was inaugurated and triggered a DPH-centered institutional reorganization. Initially, faculty members of the CPH were appointed separately to either the department or to one of the institutes. In 2005, as a way of encouraging all faculty members of the CPH to participate in undergraduate instruction, CPH adopted the policy of “merging CPH with the department”, inaugurating a new epoch in DPH development. Under this policy, the CPH is now in charge of making the overall plans for the DPH and the DPH chairman, in turn, serves also as the vice dean and is responsible for coordinating and carrying out DPH instruction and administration policies. An immediate benefit of this new policy was that all faculty members of the CPH were able to contribute to DPH teaching and student affairs by implementing a “two-phase mentor” system. The DPH also made use of the “joint appointment” to enlist all faculty members of the CPH in the running of the department. After the new system had been in place for three years, a further commingling of “discipline-division” was introduced into the system beginning in 2008. Based on disciplines, the whole college has been reorganized into three divisions: the Division of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Preventive Medicine; the Division of Health Policy and Medical Organization Management; and the Division of Environmental and Occupational Health. Each faculty member belongs to the Division which encompasses his or her specialized track and can be elected as representative of the Division to participate in the running of DPH affairs. In 2010, the six institutes of the CPH were consolidated into four, and the main affiliation of all faculty members was moved to the DPH with each faculty member being assigned an adjunct appointment in the institute of their specialty. By reforming the organization and expanding the faculty, the DPH will continue to devote itself to improving basic education in public health for the new era. Departmental aims: 1.To cultivate students with the requisite knowledge and skills of a public health professional. 2.To guide ambitious people into pursuing a career in a public health related area. Educational objectives: To cultivate professionals in public health with expert knowledge, practical ability, and a global perspective, so as to promote health for all. Core values: 1.Compassion 2.Integrity 3.Teamwork 4.Equality The DPH has cultivated numerous talented experts in public health since its inception. Our alumni are widely distributed throughout various circles. They contribute abundantly in the areas of health administration, environmental health organization, and public health education in research institutes, non-profit organizations and the commercial R&D departments of various industries, where they hold positions as professional staff members, research experts, instructors and managers. At the DPH, we continuously perform self-evaluation and strive to strengthen our contribution to worldwide public health, both through research and by providing quality teaching that prepares our students to be talented experts versed in public health theory and practice. Activities: Since the realm of public health covers a vast range of activities, the research topics undertaken by students and professors of CPH of Public Health are abundant. Conferences and academic speeches regularly organized by colleges and departments are many and well attended. CPH professors and students also attend conferences organized by the Taiwan Public Health Association and other related societies each year where they present their most recent papers and research achievements. The quality of public health research has been substantially improved due to such efforts. Every summer vacation, we organize a “Public Health Service Team” to serve the various communities and conduct a survey of hygiene and health care. Many students take part in a community service project for a period of seven days during the summer. The project provides an excellent opportunity for students to interact with local communities and to work on practical problems in public health. Students in their junior year are also encouraged to apply for NSC research projects and take courses of study on special topics in public health, in order to hone research skills and develop logical thinking. FURTHER STUDY AND CAREERS: 1.Students are expected to learn core competencies in the following areas: (1)Biomedical Science (2)Basic Quantitative Analysis and Biostatistics (3)Epidemiology (4)Environmental Health Sciences (5)Health Policy and Management (6)Social and Behavioral Sciences (7)Global Health 2.Further studies: (1)by applying to a foreign/domestic Master/Ph.D. program in Public Health, Environmental Medicine, Health Care Administration, Industrial Hygiene, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, etc. (2)Biotechnology Program, Genomics and Proteomics Program, Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Program, Biological Statistics Program, Infectious Disease Program, Geriatrics and Long Term Care Program, etc. 3.Career options: (1)Governmental Official (2)Statistical Consultant (3)Actuary (4)University Faculty Member (5)International Organization Staff Member (INGOs, NPOs, etc.) (6)CRO Researcher (Contract Research Organization) (7)Media Professional (8)Medical and Healthcare System Administrator (9)Professional in an Industry such as Environmental and Occupational Health公共衛生(public health),是一門以社會集體力量,致力於促進大眾健康的學科,而健康的內涵不僅止於預防疾病或延長壽命,更要積極促進身心理與社會層面的健康福祉,並降低健康不平等。舉凡疾病防治、環境衛生、職業安全健康、食品及藥物安全、健康照顧制度、社區健康促進等等,無不屬於公共衛生基礎建設的範圍。在現代國家,健康被視為是基本人權的一環,而公共衛生基礎建設的發展與人民健康平權狀況,也反應社會的文明進步程度。 本系創設於民國61年(1972),歷史悠久,並有學術研究結合社會服務的優良傳統。過去半世紀以來,本系為臺灣社會培育眾多公衛人才,系友不僅活躍於衛生行政、環保行政、勞動與職業安全衛生行政等政府部門,也在健康照顧、環保科技、醫藥生技等相關產業、民間非營利組織,以及高等教育與研究機構發揮專長。 本系原隸屬於臺大醫學院,至民國82年(1993)轉隸於獨立設立的臺大公共衛生學院。臺大公共衛生學院目前設有一學士班(本系)、五研究所(流行病學與預防醫學研究所、環境與職業健康科學研究所、食品安全與健康研究所、健康行為與社區科學研究所、健康政策與管理研究所)及二學程(公共衛生學位學程、全球衛生碩士學位學程)。本系合聘全院六十餘位專任教師,教學資源豐沛。 在本院師生同仁的共同努力之下,臺大公共衛生學院於106年(2017)通過美國「公共衛生教育委員會」 (Council on Education for Public Health,簡稱CEPH)評鑑,成為北美洲以外第一所獲得CEPH授證的學院。此認證不僅代表台大公衛學院的教學品質獲得國際公衛教育學界的肯認,也代表著本院師生致力於提升國際能見度與國際參與能量的決心。 公共衛生係屬整合性科學,核心學科包涵「生物統計與人口學」、「流行病學與健康科學」、「環境與職業健康科學」、「社會與行為科學」、「政策與管理科學」五大類。對於公衛研究者與實務工作者而言,跨領域知識與團隊合作,乃是不可或缺的能力。鑑於公共衛生與社會發展及全球因素緊密扣連,公共衛生教育亦強調社會關懷、多元文化與全球視野。 本系參考美國「公共衛生學院學程聯盟」(Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health, ASPPH)指引,設計五大專業領域核心課程:生物統計、流行病學、環境與職業衛生、社會行為科學、健康行政與管理。課程內容強調資訊溝通、體認多元文化、領導能力、專業能力、制定計畫、公共衛生生物學以及系統性思考等跨領域統整能力。Public HealthAcademic Institute