工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 謝尚賢周敬淳Chou, Ching-ChunChing-ChunChou2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278036臺灣綠建築標章分為九大指標,其中綠化量指標用以評估建築綠化區域的植栽CO2固定量,然而,綠建築評估手冊為避免估算作業的複雜度過高,目前未將綠化區域日照條件以及植栽品種差異納入考量,僅依照植栽類型給定單位面積CO2固定量。手冊中提及雖然該評估法的誤差甚大,但具備鼓勵多樣化綠地設計之功能。然而,若能將上述兩項影響因素納入考量,應可獲得更加細緻且可靠的CO2固定量估算結果。 著眼於建築資訊塑模 (Building Information Modeling, BIM) 技術對建築與營建產業的重要性與日俱增,越來越多的工作已基於BIM發展並相互整合,對於前述之議題,本研究認為BIM技術具備的優點包含 (1) 資訊整合、(2) 分析與模擬技術、(3) 自動化與視覺化,能有效地將現行評估方法忽略的兩項影響因素納入考量,並可促進規範型 (Prescriptive) 法規朝向性能型 (Performance-based) 法規的發展。 因此,本研究目標為提出基於BIM的綠化區域植栽CO2固定量估算方法。透過訪談執業建築師與景觀設計師,探討現行綠化區域之設計流程與議題,並提出建議之基於BIM之方法架構與綠化設計流程,說明研究單位、資料管理單位以及綠化設計單位扮演之角色。為驗證此方法之可行性,本研究根據該方法開發一輔助程式,並透過案例模型進行操作演示。 本研究提出之估算方法亦可用於既有綠化區域之植栽CO2固定量評估,更細緻之估算結果亦有助於永續發展。除此之外,本研究之成果衍生兩項值得發展與思考之議題:(1) 當設計流程逐漸轉向以BIM為基礎,專業人員之間的合作模式與權責分配或許需要重新構思與設計,(2) 隨著BIM技術之模擬與分析功能越臻成熟,現行眾多規範型法規有機會朝向性能型法規發展。EEWH, Taiwan’s green building certification system, comprises of nine indicators, and the Greenery Indicator is designed for estimation of CO2 capture. However, because green area designers need to manually calculate the estimation result, the Evaluation Manual for Green Building simplifies the formula, which ignore the sunlight condition and the differences between species. The Manual mentions that the Greenery Indicator implies huge estimation errors and is thus designed as more like an incentive policy. As BIM technology becomes more mature and more design tasks are carried out on BIM platforms, this study considers the opportunity of using BIM to assist designers to get more accurate estimation without complicated manual calculation. Thus, a BIM-based method for estimating CO2 capture of green vegetation is proposed. Some building architects and landscape architects were interviewed to help identify current design process and existing problems which may be solved with the assistance of BIM technology. In order to identify the feasibility of the proposed method, an estimation tool was developed and used to demonstrate the proposed method in a case study. The proposed method is suitable not only for design of green buildings but also for assessment of existing green area. In addition, two potential issues worth further explorations. First, after design tasks are turned into the BIM-based process, the collaboration pattern between professionals of different disciplines may need to be redesigned. Second, the maturing of simulation and analysis capabilities of BIM technology may help the development of performance-based building codes.2739730 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/1/1論文使用權限: 同意無償授權建築資訊塑模綠化量二氧化碳綠建築性能型法規BIMCO2 capturegreen buildingperformance-based building codes基於 BIM 之綠化植栽 CO2 固定量估算方法A BIM-based Method for Estimating CO2 Capture of Green Vegetationthesis10.6342/NTU201600985http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278036/1/ntu-105-R02521619-1.pdf