2016-08-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/646006摘要:研究背景老化的過程通常伴隨了許多在生理和心理功能上的退化,以及許多腦部結構和功能上的 轉變。雖然近年的研究顯示了個人生活和社交生活的參與對於健康的影響,然而,生活參與 度在正常老化的過程所扮演的角色的神經生理機制仍不明確。更甚者,社交生活參與為一個 動態的過程,迄今對於探討老年族群的動態社會網絡特性與健康相關表現的實證研究仍屬薄 弱,急需多面向行為學與神經學的證據。因此本研究將特別著重於測量個人社交網絡的動態 變化,和其對於健康影響。研究目的我們預計提出一個三年期的研究計晝,目的為:(1)探討在老年族群中,不同程度的個 人生活參與度、健康相關表現、和大腦預設模式網路的神經連結三者之間的關係及其潛在的 交互影響效果(研究一,第一年);(2)探討在老年族群中,友誼網絡的動態改變、健康相關 表現和大腦預設模式網路的神經連結三者間的關係及其潛在的交互影響效果(研究二,第二與 第三年);(3)發展與建立一系列的調節途徑模型,以釐清個人和社交生活參與度對於健康相 關表現和老化大腦的因果影響。研究方法本研究採用方便抽樣。在研究一中,我們使用橫斷性的研究設計,根據統計檢定力的分 析,我們預期招募69位老年族群的參與者。本計晝預計使用台灣版有意義的活動參與量表來 評估個人生活參與程度,使用休憩狀態的功能性磁振造影來收集大腦功能性連結資料,並使 用蒙特利爾認知評估測驗、SF-36生活品質量表和貝克憂鬱量表,來測量與健康相關的表現。 在研究二中,我們將採用短期的縱貫型研究設計,根據統計檢定力的分析,我們預計在北台 灣的老年社區大學招募46位老年參與者。除了擷取每位參與者的友誼班級網路資料外,並同 時使用休憩狀態的功能性磁振造影以及上述與健康相關的評量,來分別反映大腦預設網絡的 功能性連結和健康表現。我們預計收及兩個時間點的資料:時間點一(基準期)為新學年開 始後的10-15天,時間點二為同個學年結束後。最後,我們會將班級網路資料進行複雜網絡 分析,藉以以建構這群受試者的社交參與網路的特徵,以及網絡的動態變化。我們同時也會 在兩個研究中,收集潛在混淆變項的相關資料(如:人口學資料、目前的生理狀態和會危害健 康的行為),並加以評析對於關係建立及因果模型建置的影響。預期結果這兩個研究系列,將是首次探討老年人生活參與度、健康相關表現和大腦預設模式網路 神經連結三者間關係的研究。我們預期有意義的活動參與程度和特定社交網絡特徵(例如:網 絡集中性和網絡限制指標),和健康相關的表現及大腦預設模式網路的功能性連結會有正相 關。此外,透過中介分析,我們也預期個體的個人的生活參與和社交網絡結構的動態改變程 度,都將會調節大腦預設模式網路的神經連結和健康相關表現之間的關係。<br> Abstract: BackgroundAging process is always accompanied by a number of declination in physical and mental function as well as structural and functional alternations in various brain regions. Although recent evidence has shown the power of both individual and social life participation upon health-related outcomes, the neurophysiological mechanism underlying its role in normal aging remains unclear. Furthermore, social life participation is a dynamic process and much less studies have tried to measure the dynamic changes of personal social network and its influence on health-related outcomes.ObjectivesWe propose herein a 3-year research project to: (1) investigate the interrelationship across the degrees of individual life participation, health-related outcomes and resting-state brain connectivity in elderly population (STUDY I, 1 year); (2) investigate the interrelationship across dynamic changes of social network structures through a complete friend network, health-related outcomes and resting-state brain connectivity in elderly population (STUDY II, 2 yaer); (3) develop a series of mediation path models to characterize the effects of both individual and social life participation upon health-related outcomes and aging brain.MethodsFor STUDY I, we will use a cross-sectional research design. Based on the power analysis, we expect to recruit 69 older adults (convenient sampling). We will use MAPA for evaluating the degrees of individual life participation, resting-state fMRI for evaluating intrinsic brain connectivity, and MoCA, SF-36 and BDI for evaluating health-related outcomes. For STUDY II, we will use a short-term longitudinal design with two data collection timepoints: Time 1 (baseline), after the beginning of a new academic year; Time 2, after the end of the same academic year. Based on the power analysis, we expect to recruit 46 older adults at three elderly universities in Northern Taiwan Again, we will use resting-state fMRI for evaluating intrinsic brain connectivity, and MoCA, SF-36 and BDI for evaluating health-related outcomes. Furthermore, we will perform a complex network analysis to capture several key network features for evaluating the dynamics of personal social life participation in older adults. Potential confounding variables (i.e., demographic data, current physical status, and health-threatening behaviors) will also be collected in both studies.Anticipated resultsThese two series of studies will be the first to explore the intercorrelation across life participation, health-related outcomes and brain connectivity in elderlies. We hypothesize that the degree of meaningful activity engagement and specific network features (e.g., centrality and network constraint index) will both be positively correlated with health-related outcomes and functional connectivity within the default mode networks. Furthermore, through mediation analyses, we hypothesize that both the degrees of individual life participation and the dynamic changes of social network structures of a person will mediate the relationship between resting-state brain connectivity and health-related outcome measures.老化生活參與度社會網絡大腦功能性連結福祉aginglife participationsocial networkfunctional brain connectivitywell-beingThe Roles of Individual Life Participation, Social Network Dynamics and Default-Mode Brain Connectivity in Healthy Aging