臺灣大學: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所郭振華李苗鋒Li, Miao-FongMiao-FongLi2013-03-272018-06-282013-03-272018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/252329為了提高仿生型水下載具尾鰭之擬真程度,本論文建構一尾鰭支架材質由彈性金屬構成之載具。尾鰭支架由馬達驅動,其運動受水之作用力影響,尾鰭隨時間而有不同的位置,其位置之推算不易經由空間座標轉化計算。而在仿生型水下載具之控制問題上,精準的尾鰭控制,需要有正確之尾鰭運動資訊,因此本文設計一感測系統,包括固定於載具身體之磁場發射器,以及附著於尾鰭支架之三具磁場感測線圈,利用電磁互感來推算尾鰭之移動。發射器和接收器以諧振的方式設計,當接收器和發射器間產生相對位移或相對角度,接收器測得不同的訊號電位,即可輔以尾鰭之形狀方程式來推算尾鰭的動作。感測器資料處理方法是經實驗來建立位置對應感測器電位訊號的資料庫,感測系統將感測器的電位訊號經與資料庫之模型比對分類,而得到尾鰭位置估計。本文最後提出仿生型水下載具彈性尾鰭運動量測之成果,並與視訊攝影機所記錄之數據做比較,以驗證本文所提出的方法之可行性。In order to mimic a real fish, the back bracket of a biomimetic-underwater vehicle’s (BAUV’s) tail fin is composed of aluminum spacers with a flexible aluminum plate as the tail spline. The sway of the tail fin is driven by a motor and its motion is impeded by the water such that the rotation angle of the tail fin could not be calculated simply by a coordinate conversion. For precise tail fin control in a complex environment, the motion information of the tail fin is required. In this work, the development and setup of a magnetic field system is presented. The system is composed of a magnetic transmitter fixed on the robot’s body, and three magnetic receivers located along the fish tail, as a moving coil structure. Receiver and transmitter circuits were designed based on the resonance theory. When relative displacements and relative angles appear between the transmitter and receiver, the receiving side display specific voltage signals, which are used to quantify the position and orientation of the moving coils. The shape of the BAUV tail fin is approximated by a body-spline equation. Three coils information were used to interpolate the body-spline of the BAUV tail motion. A database that relates sensor data with the sensed positions of the BAUV tail fin is established. With the database, the system used the K-nearest algorithm to classify the digital signals that are conversed by the FPGA A/D function into the sensors positions, such that the motion of the tail fin could be estimated. Finally, the results between experiment and the motion data recorded by a video camera of the body-spline were compared.8047026 bytesapplication/pdfen-US仿生型水下載具諧振電路互感發射器感測器BAUVresonant circuitmutual inductancetransmitterreceiver應用電磁感應之仿生型水下載具彈性尾鰭運動估測Flexible Tail Motion Estimation by Electromagnetic Induction for a Biomimetic Underwater Vehiclethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/252329/1/ntu-100-R98525011-1.pdf