2006-01-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/662901摘要:本計畫的首要之務,在於完成本國檢防疫重要象鼻蟲類害蟲之一的亞洲棕櫚象鼻蟲 (Rhabdoscelus lineaticollis) 專一性引子的開發,以期能與近緣類種的新幾內亞甘蔗象鼻蟲 (R. obscurus;其專一性引子已於去年選殖、檢測完成),以及其他類象鼻害蟲做有效之區隔。同時,我們預定至少再完成檬果種子象鼻蟲 (Acryptorrhychus mangiferae)、檬果象鼻蟲 (A. frigidus)、李象鼻蟲 (Conotrachelus nenuphar)、白緣粗吻象鼻蟲 (Graphognathus leucoloma) 以及甘藷象鼻蟲 (Euscepes postfaciatus) 這五類檢防疫象鼻害蟲之標本蒐集、各齡期若蟲的特徵鑑定,以及其中至少二類的專一性引子選殖與測試。除了採用RAPD-PCR與COI基因的選殖分析策略,來找出序列變異性較高的DNA區段,以做為設計專一性引子的參考模板,我們將檢視象鼻蟲生殖發育基因vasa的插入性序列與未轉譯序列,試著由這些可能具有變異性較高的DNA區段,找出種間差異度較大的序列,做為分子鑑定的重要根據。<br> Abstract: Cloning species-specific primers for the identification of the Asiatic palm weevil Rhabdoscelus lineaticollis is the first task of the project. We aim to use these primers to discriminate R lineaticollis with the New Guinea sugarcane Weevil R. obscurus, a closely-related quarantined weevil whose species-specific primers have been identified last year, and other distantly-related weevils. In parallel, we aim to collect specimen of the mango seed weevil Acryptorrhychus mangiferae, the mango pulp weevil A. frigidus, the plum curculio Conotrachelus nenuphar, the whitefringed weevil Graphognathus leucoloma, and the small sweet potato weevil Euscepes postfaciatus, all of which are in the governmental list of quarantined pest weevils. In addition to analyzing their morphological characteristics for different instars, we expect to identify species-specific primers from at least two out of the five species mentioned above. Except for methods such as RAPD-PCR or sequence analysis of COI genes, we will look for more DNA fragments with potentially diversified sequences within introns and untranslated regions of the vasa gene, a conserved germmile marker across metazoans, as the templates for designing species-specific primers.象鼻蟲分子鑑定引子核酸weevilsmolecular identificationprimerDNA檢疫防疫重要象鼻蟲類害蟲之分子鑑定與鑑定策略開發